
double meaning

Bad Toilet Humor

the pepper pancake toilet water urine youre-in homophone cliché double meaning Image - 6679496448
Created by Static_Bunny ( Via The Pepper Pancake )

You Can Say That Again!

drinks idiom picture double meaning - 7140519168

He Has a Terrible Sense of Direction, But at Least He's A-Were of It!

werewolf prefix where homophone double meaning - 7148126976
Via Deep Fried Pudge

Depending on the Subject, That Could Amount to Several Pounds!

weight books double meaning - 7138818816
Via Sardonic Salad

Aggro Queens ARE NOT My Style, But Whatever...

queen chess double meaning - 7138834432
Via Mark Parisi

Crop Circle

circle crop circle crop double meaning - 7135673344
Created by spikeoramathon ( Via Phoenyx Rose )

They're Pathological Liars, Too!

atoms make up double meaning - 7140537600
Via Shoots Like a Pocket Gun

Now is NOT the Time for Your Sharp Wit, John

double meaning point - 7135499520

Mathematical Couples Counseling is... Complex to Say the Least

Pi Day pi counseling double meaning - 7138213632
Via The Argyle Sweater

What's the Prognosis, Dach(sund)?

Pillow dentist teeth shark double meaning dogs - 7122081792

The Diary of an Incognitower

day double meaning - 7130328576
Via Reddit

Don't You Just Hate it When Teachers Single You Out Like This?

school poor results unfair teacher test double meaning - 7130146304
Via Octopuns

This One Appears to Be Set to GRUMPY

swing mood double meaning - 7121635840
Via Reddit

Just Give it a Few More Moments...

question there here cliché double meaning - 7114322944
Created by xyzpdq1

You'll Never Think About Shrimp Cocktails the Same Way Again

shrimp chicken tail diagram double meaning - 7119200256

This Practically Doubles as a Flaming Lips Album Cover

zebra bra homophones double meaning shape - 7114656256