

Welcome to Television Circa 2013

question innuendo answer gross double entendre advice - 7114657792
Via Masterpiece in Chaos

Puns, Big Willie Style

question diet answer Movie Subway double meaning will smith - 6993982208
Via Reddit

That Question Seems Kind of Unnecessary to Me

question regret similar sounding tattoo - 6459960320
Via Reddit

But How Else is He Going to Finance His Radio Crustation?

answer denial literalism long form question similar sounding - 6206452736
Created by Raptor2213 ( Via Evil Comic )

Have You Tried Looking On the Ground, Perhaps?

expression Hall of Fame question similar sounding slang white - 5719557376
Via Punblr

I Don't Think He'll Be Taking That Job Offer...

album double meaning Hall of Fame interview jimi hendrix job question title - 4805161984
Created by popoponch

Me Gusta Llamas

literalism llama question similar sounding spanish - 6411343360
Via A.S.B.


Hall of Fame lolwut name question random rimshot suffix - 5311419136

I'm not really a fan

question cool answer literalism fans - 7051089408
Created by tpk1998 ( Via Domics )


all answer double meaning Hall of Fame homophone literalism Lord of the Rings math numbers question real - 4588819968
Created by Unknown

Funny You Should Ask...

answer double meaning jelly literalism question slang yes - 5968478464
Via Married to the Sea

Or Maybe He Was µrdered by His Roofer...

accident answer cat dogs FAIL fall falling Hall of Fame physics question Reframe roof - 5570667520
Created by LOLdogexpert

Thanks, God. Now I'm Really Crabby.

answer ask crab double meaning god literalism question sign - 6138885376
Via Reddit

Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day?

Chart comparison famous Hall of Fame question william shakespeare - 5942348800
Created by Ginctm ( Via XKCD )

'Hamlet Hears a Hoof'

answer combination dr seuss homophone juxtaposition question shakespeare william shakespeare - 4877334272
Created by catsuberalles

You Might Even Say He's... Well Out of Luck

double meaning feel literalism question quote - 6378831360
Via Octopuns