

Do you remember the lyrics? So many people have favorite songs, yet if you ask them to sing it, let's just say you might find some of these jokers here.

You Can Say That Again

star wars lyrics song similar sounding literalism love - 6898948864

SMP CLASSIC-ish: ... But Didn't Nobel Invite Dynamite?

classic dynamite Hall of Fame lyrics similar sounding song tayo cruz - 5674339072
Created by LOLdogexpert

SMP CLASSIC: Billy 'The Rodent' Corgan

billy corgan literalism lyrics rat smashing pumpkins song visualization - 6567784448

Do You See a Little Silhouette-O of a Mascara Raven?

bohemian rhapsody Edgar Allan Poe literalism lyrics poor queen similar sounding song - 6068478976
Created by xyzpdq1

Everyone Knew You Were Trouble

taylor swift disney lyrics puns - 7887236864


back car family guy FRIDAY Hall of Fame literalism lyrics meme Rebecca Black seat - 4872150272

STOP! Recapitulate! Listen!

ice ice ice baby literalism lyrics song Vanilla Ice - 5184575232
Created by kpbotbot


chorus computer lock lyric lyrics parody rewrite rhyme rhyming - 4518592512


film franchise FRIDAY Hall of Fame juxtaposition lyrics mashup Movie Rebecca Black song - 4757296384


angry billy corgan lyrics rat smashing pumpkins song - 4008785920

Suck It, Sara Bareilles

eevee lyrics parody Pokémon - 4065791488


answer chorus double meaning literalism lyric lyrics never question song up - 4501467904
Created by Cyber6x

Call Me Maeby

arrested development Hall of Fame lyrics song - 6099229952
Via Eff Yeah Puns

These Sheep Just Like to Go With the Flo

FAIL flo rida Hall of Fame literalism lyrics shoop - 6271139840


pi pun - Clip art - SO MUCH PUN.COM
Created by balu-86

Stayin' Arive!

Hall of Fame homophone lyrics similar sounding song walk wok - 6163067136
Created by urkelbot666