

Do you remember the lyrics? So many people have favorite songs, yet if you ask them to sing it, let's just say you might find some of these jokers here.


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And I Was Like Mee Mee, Mee Mee, Mee Mee, Meeeeeee

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Via Snuh

Felines in Paris

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Via Robot in Disguise


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Now You're Just Some Driver That I Hope Gets Towed

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Via The Frogman

We Found An Angle On a Slopeless Plane?

Hall of Fame lyrics parody rhymes rhyming song - 5658658048

He Who Shall Not Be Played

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Created by ray677


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Do You See a Little Silhouette-O of a Mascara Raven?

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Created by xyzpdq1

This Whole Post is Going to be One Cheap Trick

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Via A.S.B.

Suck It, Sara Bareilles

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Created by el_wuffel

It's Madness, Not Lupus

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Created by SewerShark


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But WHO is He, Really?

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Created by Paul


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Created by Cyber6x