

Do you remember the lyrics? So many people have favorite songs, yet if you ask them to sing it, let's just say you might find some of these jokers here.

Ace of Basic Mathematics

homophone literalism lyrics parody sign sine song - 4844756736
Created by argument

Stayin' Arive!

Hall of Fame homophone lyrics similar sounding song walk wok - 6163067136
Created by urkelbot666

SMP CLASSIC-ish: ... But Didn't Nobel Invite Dynamite?

classic dynamite Hall of Fame lyrics similar sounding song tayo cruz - 5674339072
Created by LOLdogexpert

How Does That One Go Again?

homophone homophones literalism lyrics misheard song - 4923264000
Created by pedretta


lady gaga lyrics Music preference similar sounding single song Songs title titles - 4512453120
Created by ItchyKY

These Sheep Just Like to Go With the Flo

FAIL flo rida Hall of Fame literalism lyrics shoop - 6271139840


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This is Why I No Longer Gotye on Facebook

conversation facebook gotye lyrics rhyming somebody that i used to k somebody that i used to know status update variations on a theme - 6303424768
Created by Unknown

Well, Most of Them Are Vegetative at This Point...

friend literalism lyrics similar sounding Theme Song - 6130323968
Via Final Ellipsis

Call Me Maeby

arrested development Hall of Fame lyrics song - 6099229952
Via Eff Yeah Puns

I'm Lovin' It!

literalism lyrics McDonald's prefix rewrite song title - 4950550272
Created by xyzpdq1


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Hold Me Closer, Tony Danza

elton john literalism lyrics misinterpretation similar sounding - 3949539840
Created by Paul and Jeffrey

I (Tell-Tale) Heart This Song!

bohemian rhapsody Edgar Allan Poe Hall of Fame literalism lyrics poe poor queen similar sounding slang - 6451220736
Via Reddit

Sponsored by Jack Black

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Created by Unknown

Got... ye?

advertisement got gotye Hall of Fame lyrics milk name parody prefix rewrite somebody that i used to k somebody that i used to know - 6264338432