

This Week's Prize Fight: Tyson Ursus Bearhands

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Well, Earthquakes Can Happen Undersea...

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Created by toodlooo

He Gon' Flip You the Bird!

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Created by Chinchillazilla

If This Doesn't Convince You Canon is the Better Brand, Nothing Will

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Via Reddit

My Furniture is so Ferncy!

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Created by NomALlama

The Loan Ranger

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Created by The_Sardonic_One ( Via Cyanide & Happiness )

Heisenberg is a Shear Genius

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Via Liz Climo


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Punning is More Fun With SCIENCE!

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Via Reddit

Read More on Page K9

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Created by PeteFace


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Created by Unknown

Peanut Butter Jelly Thyme

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Created by cheeseblarg ( Via cheeseblarg.blogspot.com )

I C What You D'd There

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Created by badgerpower1

Rho, Rho, Rho Your Boat

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Via Reddit


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Created by AdmiralAbortion ( Via artistshoppe.threadless.com )

A Very Important Tip to Have in Your Arsenal

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Via Math Fail