funny trolling history moments | danielokane 17.2k points 20 hours ago 3 3 3 3 Mozart didn't like this singer so much he 2 wrote piece her with high and low notes constantly because he noticed she hit low notes her chin went her chest and she hit high notes her head would fling back. So like she bobbing like chicken

Some of the Great Trollings of History

Nice one, Mozart.
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Created by buzmurdock

Walmart Raises its Low Prices

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Via Reddit

Sometimes Puns Can Be a Chore

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A Twitter thread about a guy getting drunk on power while playing Neopets | everest @everestpipkin every few years email neopets support asking if they can help log into my childhood account and (unsurprisingly, tiny team, millions old accounts never heard back

Twitter Thread: 9-Year-Old Amasses Neopets Empire

Power corrupts.
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funny puns, clever dad jokes and memes | tawdry hepburn [dumb bitch hour eraserheadbabby my friend gave birth her car on way hospital and her husband named kid Carson and if don't think 's best dad joke ever get out my face | Planes were invented 1903 Trains were invented 1804 Babies before 1804 :

Dad Jokes, Puns and Other Clever Memery

Bring it on.
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baking butter cooking oil pan - 4109184256
Created by BigMac22

Chris Brown's Next Career

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Created by JDSlimz


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Baby Got Back

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Created by Ginctm

How Sole Mates Kiss with Tongue

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Via theoldreader.com
memes about video games and gaming | Psychopaths Serial killers People who intentionally pick rude dialogue options games just make NPCS feel bad kids pressed into a corner terrified by a bunny | opponent is better than expected. diagram of a man leaning forward in a chair

Gaming Memes for The Highly Leveled

It's an NPC-eat-NPC world.
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Books Let the Imagination Run Free... And Sometimes That's a Weird Thing.

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Via Reddit

This Is Torturellini

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Now You're Just Some Driver That I Hope Gets Towed

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Via The Frogman

Caruso Would Ace This Test

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