
Hitting the Funny Bone

Via Giphy

I Do See the Similarities...

star wars puns Star Trek funny darth vader - 7558658560
Created by Old_Iron_Sides

Queen of Draw Something!

queen freddie mercury draw something mercury literalism - 6713024768


bowl container football homophones literalism logo lyrics man parody song Super superman - 4318089728
Created by Dudak

Sometimes a Banana is Only a Banana

freud freudian slip literalism Sigmund Freud double meaning - 6851930880
Via Stale Bagel

I'm Not Even Sorry

Memes puns tents - 8818627328
Via TheGreatMediocretes
some mouth breather facepalm memes

Mouth Breathers Making The World Passionately Facepalm In 15 Images

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The Han Solo Cup!

star wars puns Han Solo - 8585806848
Created by thehansolocup ( Via Han Solo Cup )

Wireless Technology

bird birds comic double meaning literalism technology weird - 4791729664
Created by Jambon-X

And Certainly the One I Care More About

cocktail double meaning preference royal wedding - 4707006208
Created by xyzpdq1

I Can't Stop Sneezing and Screaming in Fear

spring puns - 8761117440

Damn You, Naming Conventions!

double meaning literalism lolwut mistake surname trust - 5499760896
Created by thatguy1212

I Guess That Explains the Sunglasses

csi miami david carusoe double meaning idiom science - 6399065600
Created by Mortuaryjoe


puns - 3975468800
Cringe Memes, Stupid Memes, Funny Memes, Twitter Memes, Epic Fail, Fellow Kids | DQ Grill&Chill ITS UPSIDE DO WNRIGHT THICC Vick's MARKET DISC VER MasterCard VISA INSURANCE Marber 809 SPACE REN VAPOR | wendys O MetalAF W- E EAT N- NUGGETS D DAILY Y SPOOKY BOYS will yougo onadatewilth 17,692 likes wendys sp99ky 69ys take nste

Businesses Post Cringe To Fit In With The Kids

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classic logo lolwut mac OS similar sounding taco tacos - 5274695680