
"Christians for Harv- I Mean Michele Bachmann"

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Who Wants to Knock Me Up?

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27 Karen Memes That Mock Compulsive Manager-Seekers

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Maximum Bravery While Facing Down a Cop

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Yes, It is Possible to Be This Dumb

Customer returns tons of chicken, makes money off employees | O r/TalesFromRetail Posted by u/ShenaniganXD 6 days ago 3 Lady returns 150pcs fried chicken Medium So few years back worked large retail/grocery company. And like most grocery stores have deli section working returns desk, which still fairly new at, and customer rolls up with cart had two cardboard boxes full half eaten fried chicken don't think ever seen much fried chicken before.

Employees Get Bamboozled by Chicken Lady

Oh she got them good.
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No, I'm Pretty Sure You're the Only One...

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Crossfit May be the Popular Workout of Today, but After Watching These You'll Start to Wonder Why

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Lil Wayne is Not a Good Freestyler

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Would You Be Interested in That?

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Just Your Friendly Neighborhood Batslayers

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Be Careful Whose Photos Your Stealing

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Browse for Your Waifu in Ultimate Comfort

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Kids These Days or Something

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