
You Thought Science Ran Your Computers?

Via Rules of Thirds
nba selfie Awkward Video - 61104641

Here's How NOT to Act When Trying to Get a Selfie With a Pro Basketball Player

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Ahh, Bible Memes...

christians the bible - 8323711488
dj Video - 65135617

DJ Gets a Little Too Excited, Knocks Over the Turntables

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M'Landing Gear

gifs fedoras video games - 8420059392
objects that look like they have faces or look like other stuff | statue of a furnace that looks like a face with a burning mouth | rock covered in moss in the shape of a dog

Inanimate Objects that Look Like Other Stuff

There's personality everywhere!
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A Guide for Teachers So They Can Jive Talk

kids funny idiots teachers g rated - 8264098048
Via Yanmega
cringey posts by a facebook badass

We All Have That One Guy We Know on Facebook

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Funny news headlines

Cringe-Worthy Headlines That Were Somehow Published

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new zealand Video - 66641665

Let's Take a Look Back to the New Zealand National Rugby Team Doing the Haka in 1973

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That First Turn is a Killer

ouch gifs fail nation - 8227131392
Via r_fappygood

I'm Sick and Tired of Girls Manipulating Le Nice Guys Like Me

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baseball national anthem MLB Video - 65700097

The Worst Voice Crack of All Time

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Cringey posts that were meant to be deep from social media, teenagers, love, depression, heartbreak, sadness | seven years old my teacher told most COlorful insectS were also most venomous ones and ffteen years old looked into blue eyes and realized She had been right all along. | Fake is new real and don't fit THE CLASSY PEOPLE

Exquisitely Cringey Posts That Were Meant To Be Deep

This is so sad.
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This dumb@ss Redditor Thinks That an Upvote Will Cheer Up a Relative of Three Passengers on Malaysian Airlines Flight 17

Reddit - 8259064320

Where's the Logic?
