
She is a Damned Professional

airport drunk is a special sort of drunk
Via That Funny Picture

That's SO Funny!

image fake laughter That's SO Funny!
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The Look on the Guy's Face Was Priceless

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didn't age well, aged like milk, cringe, hindsight, hitler, climate change, spongebob squarepands, bitcoin, technology, twitter, memes, facepalm, fail | Let this magic mineral, ASBESTOS buildings protect on farm! JOHRS HANVILLE Asbestos magic mineral Middle Ages. Today, still magic mineral; fireproof, rot-proof, and practically indestructible. combined with portland cement is manufactured into products which are especially important on farm,because they provide permanent protection against fire

17 Past Proclamations That Aged Like Milk

Hindsight is 20/20
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Now That's Loyalty

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Via Klown 13

Ted Biggersby, Mall Samurai

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Via Reddit
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NBC News Captured Some Amazing Drone Footage of a Completely Frozen Niagara Falls

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Only in 'Merica

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Doing Motivation Right

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The Whitest Touchdown Celebration in the History of Ever

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Every American's Dream Job

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entitled people with ridiculous demands | Hey are still selling ipad? Yes Sell 100? Sell brand new, never opened $400 iPad 100? No. Come on. If selling must be broke so cant be worth more than 100 already told my kid he could have 3:16 PM Well go ahead and un-tell kid cause he ain't gettin missed video chat with 3:18 PM CALL BACK Why are video calling want tell my kid his face he wont be getting any presents this year because

Entitled Individuals and Their Nonstop Demands

Sure man, sounds like a deal.
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