
Flap Free or Die

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Funny meme and tweet about how sundays are depressing, sad cat, lol
Via u/StrixxGoBrr

What Else Would You Wear to Go Bungee Jumping?

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Canada Has Spoken, America Should Take Over China

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It's Impossible to Decide Which is the Worst

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Via Estately
Girl tries to scam tenant out of rent money, and ends up paying thousands | r/ProRevenge u/Infinite_Number 1d Join 1 1 1 1 Try scam out rent money? Have fun paying back six times amount, losing all friends, and getting exposed lies Obligatory "not sure if this qualifies as pro but is definitely step above petty ultimate result did give immense satisfaction see this girl try scam fail terribly, and have face financial, social, and legal consequences. tl;dr at end, since this is long one. This

Girl Tries To Blackmail Tenant, Ends Up Paying Thousands

Nice try, Wendy.
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Ummm... Three Nike Logos?

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Watch Kansas City Go Nuts as Clint Dempsey Scored His First Minute Goal Against Ghana

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D'aww of the Day: Superhero Window Washers Visit Children's Hospital

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Created by jay.bishop.18
A quick list of nostalgic memes to bring you back. | Kids these days will never know ultimate thumb destroyer GameofLoans DURACELL 100% DURACELL POWERCHECKTM

Nostalgic Memes From The Olden Golden Days

A little blast from the past.
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I Rep Hard

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So Hawt

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Created by me_want_cheez_lolz
Funny memes about the press conference at four seasons total landscaping in philadelphia | on next arrested DEVELOPMENT TRUMP standing here at beautiful Four Seasons Total Landscaping | Paul Overbite @PaulOverbite And may find yourself across street crematorium And may find yourself next door dildo store And may find yourself at press conference And may find yourself front landscaping business And may ask yourself Well did get here?

The Best Memes & Tweets About Four Seasons Total Landscaping

This is not the Four Seasons you were looking for.
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Flawless Logic


The Larvae Shall Inherit the Hill

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Created by z