Web Comics

The One Fatal Flaw That Smart Phones Possess

cellphones phones gifs web comics - 8148633344
Via Lolnein


narcissism sad but true selfie web comics - 8438351872
Created by noitego ( Via Noitego )

Cliché Resolutions

resolutions gym new years exercise cliché comic - 6940450304
Via Channelate

The Worst Kind

image pokemon go The Worst Kind
Via deafgaming

Why is Waldo So Skinny?

Via Twisted Doodles

But Aunt May Packed Peter's Lunch With Love

lunch batman Spider-Man - 8069050880
Created by Mistermascara ( Via dragonarte )

Could Use Some Lessons From Spiderman

batman web comics - 8603555072
Via gunshowcomic

The Greatest Scientific Discovery of Epochs Past

universe web comics - 8418499328
Via A Hamm a Day

Most Men Don't Really Respond to Subtlety

Via gandalfisadrugdealer

(No) Return of the SOPA

awesome best of week Memes PIPA SOPA star wars the internets - 5709604352
Created by BucDouble93

A Dream Within a MMMM... Sandwich

homer simpson Inception sandwich Simpsons Did It TV - 5395384832

The Benefit is Virtually the Same!

web comics fitness The Benefit is Virtually the Same!
Via theverynearfuture

Call of Duty is Way More Realistic Than We Ever Thought

dorkly video games web comics - 7858318080
Via Dorkly

Seriously Guys

jaws wtf sharks boats - 7400693760
Created by Jebstat

Not All Creations Are Beautiful

Orange - Wel at least be grateful you weren't carved by a four year old Even though I pat on a happy face. 1 feel so emply inside Yeah.. poor Paul KlL M hll:/MchaelHolmes
Via Michael Holm

A Reasonable Reaction

beyoncé kanye west reaction - 7058419712
Via Tastefully Offensive