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'Dating apps turn us all into HR managers': Singles bemoan having to 'reject so many people' on dating apps

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Woman finds a lost cat with a collar, owner says they moved away 5 years ago and to do with the cat as they please: 'I'm pretty sure we used to have a cat named Ginger back when I lived with my parents'

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Feuding twin 60-year-old aunts throw 2 separate birthday parties on the same day, tell their family members and friends they can only go to one: 'They’re asking everyone to choose'

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39 Memes All in a Line

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40+ of the Freshest and Funniest Tweets of the Week (September 14, 2024)

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27 Memes That Might Be In Their Late Twenties

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Social butterfly claims lonely people shouldn't complain about loneliness if all they do is watch Netflix, scroll TikTok, and stay at home all day, enrages agoraphobic introverts: 'This is a very privileged take'

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31 Memes to Take On

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30+ of the Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (September 12, 2024)

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30+ Memes For The Chronically Online

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34 Memes For When The Chores Can Wait

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Math teacher only allows students 1 bathroom pass per week, gives them extra credit if they don't use the restroom at all: 'Both the rule and the reward are problematic'

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32 Memes That'll Make September a Wee Bit Easier

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35 of the Freshest and Funniest Tweets of the Week (September 7, 2024)

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33 Memes That'll Give You Immunity

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35 Memes to Dig Out of the Archives