

Funny fake customer service trolling on facebook | Visitor Posts Argos 8 mins FFS BEEN ON HOLD AGES CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP Like Comment Share Argos Customer Support Yes sure caps lock key is one above 'shift' and 'ctrl Hope this helps. 2 mins Like Reply More

Delightful Times People Were Trolled By 'Customer Service'

We love anyone willing to troll , roast, or deceive people on the internet - as long as they steer clear of bullying. This kind of mischief is pretty much all we have in the prank zone now that so many people are cooped up inside. One of the best trolls of all time, that fake Customer Service account, was actually run by UK comedian The Amazing Troll-Man . He'd troll some pretty obnoxious people by changing their account's profile photo to whatever business the poor sucker was trying to tear ap…
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Thirst Traps Flood the Comment Section of Putin Instagrams

"Vladdy Daddy Stop War Plz": Gen Z Is Trolling Vladimir Putin On Instagram With Thirst Comments

Is this a new form of protest?
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Funny texts, scammer getting trolled, itunes gift cards | 1D barcode - 6:27 +1 (740) 673-0132 iTunes QW44EATADICK4A7D $1 88590991989 send receipt cards

Creative Dude Expertly Trolls Text Scammer With The Help Of Photoshop

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Funny rebels and first world anarchists lol humor

Rebellious Trolls Who Just Want to Watch the World Burn

First world anarchy at its best.
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Funny story about a car seller who tries to troll an entitled buyer | like car also, which is why won't be letting go 9k less than s worth. And not being dik s 7am and got stuff do ready make serious offer let know 07:12 Waste fukin time Absolute dikhead 07:13

Entitled Dude Gets Trolled By Amused Car Seller

Australians, man.
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birds aren't real, zoomer, gen z, funny, tiktok, trolling, news, interview, lol, memes, viral videos

News Station Invites Zoomer to Talk About "Birds Aren't Real" Movement, Gets Trolled

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Funny mad lads, funny tweets, crazy antics, agents of chaos | spent 6Hrs building 16x16 Cobble Pillar my friend's yard because he joked about my house being small. This tower is 50 Blocks tall rn and took 12,800 Cobblestone will build my house on top Pillar so will always look down on him every time awaken.This is showing dominance | Chronic Insomniac @HoneyCinnamon_ My uncle just sent message family group asking money privately messaged him asking banking details so l can deposit He responded

Mad Lads Who Need To Be Reined In

They can't be contained
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Peter McIndoe of Birds Aren't Real Trolls WGN Morning News

'Birds Aren't Real' Founder Trolls Chicago's WGN Morning News

It should come as no surprise that Peter McIndoe, founder of the ‘Birds Aren’t Real' movement has a sense of humor. The “movement,” which started in 2017 as a sort of meme page joke, has exploded in recent years,. The 23 year old's kooky parody initiative has attracted the attention of many media outlets - even the New York Times. McIndoe's most recent media appearance, however, was a little less serious than the detailed and complimentary feature in the times. While talking to WGN Morning News…
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orangutan, monke, monkey, toy, teddy, zoo, lol, tiktok, twitter

Orangutan Makes Mischief After “Rescuing” Child’s Teddy Bear

One of the most astounding things about orangutans is how intelligent they can be. Their behavior and levels of understanding outstrip many other non-human species, and they are all the more entertaining for it. Those in captivity often draw attention to themselves, whether than be through their accessory choices or by retrieving a stuffed animal dropped in their enclosure, as recently happened in Dublin Zoo. In the viral video, the ape uses a stick to retrieve the toy from a body of water and …
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lgbtq, viral videos, twitter, lil nas x, hip hop, trolling, rap, satan shoes, nike, kanye west, comedy, controversy, celeb, industry baby, funny tweets, funny

Lil Nas X Flexes His Comedy Skills in Video Satirizing Nike 'Satan Shoes' Controversy

The young rapper wins the internet again
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thirst trap memes

Attention-Seeking Thirst Trap Gets Trolled Like Crazy

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Story about entitled cheapskate who wants an expensive bike for cheap and gets trolled by the seller | ill give 50$ and thats higest ill go. Sorry, but 's too much low ball offer bike is worth 800 and selling 500, and so price is firm. stupid asshole spent last month saving up money bike just like this and now yoy dont care and wont help anyone other than yourselve, rot hell f t.

Dude Demands Bike For Dirt Cheap, Gets Trolled Like A Chump

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period, trolling, tiktok, twitter, sex ed, sex education, wtf, skin, peeling, gross

Tiktokers Convince Everyone That Having Periods Makes Them Shed Like A Lizard

Why are you guys so surprised?
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Funny random memes, dating memes, funny tweets, random tweets, dank memes, spongebob squarepants

50 Memes & Tweets To Help You Kick Back And Relax

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Funny comments from legendary troll Ken M

40 Classic Trolls From The Legendary Ken M

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funny memes, twitter memes, funny tweets, trending tweets, elon musk, rip elon, elon musk dead, prank, trolling, fake news, tesla, grimes

Fake Rumor Of Elon Musk's Death Sparks Spicy Twitter Memes

No, he is not dead
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