

Crazy tweet comparing the word karen to the n-word, slurs, manager, john mulaney, viral tweets | EmillySwaven @EmillySwaven Yes K-word is stronger than n-word, at least currently. Misogyny and patriarchy has been around longer than slavery. Just don't use either, ok? dear millenials: Stop saying Karen "Karen" is sexist and racist term equivalent n-word white women. Calling woman "Karen" is an attempt get rid women's right stand up themselves. 4:02 PM 4/19/20 Twitter iPhone |  Kyle e @KylePlantEm

Heinous Tweet Claims 'Karen' Is A Slur, Enrages Twitter

Enough already.
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Funny memes that mock Joe Biden's presidential campaign called '"I'm on Team Joe" | ON TEAM JOE GOT HAIRY LEGS kids used rub my leg BIDEN PRESIDENT Text JOE 30330 Create own at Biden L Data Rates Hay ApTet HELP forInfo. Teat STOP opt eut No purchase necessary

Joe Biden Gets Trolled With His Cringey 'I'm On Team Joe' Campaign

Poor ol' Joe.
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Funny guy trolls scammer with Nickelback lyrics | why am texting help. Oh my bad this time mistaken will reimburse back money. Thanks! Yes thanks always love remind Ok l'll use Apple Pay Okay thanks waiting on here. Wow yes must have been so bad Anyway which building are Am conference meeting Yes but which room and can bring them Checking out soon Scratch-off back code and Text Message Pay

Prankster Trolls Text Scammer With Nickelback Lyrics

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Mozart You Sly Dog

Funny meme about how Mozart composed a piece just to troll a performer he didn't like | Mozart disliked a performer named adriana so knowing her tendency to drop her chin on low notes and throw back her head on high notes Mozart wrote a song
Via Ramaji7
Funny anti-peta memes, eric andre, steve irwin, funny memes, peta, peta memes | eraser REALLY BIG MISTAKES PETA REALLY BIG MISTAKES | eric andre shooting hannibal Person - PETA Animals "Animals are entitled be left alone"

17 Scathing Anti-PETA Memes For Anyone In The Resistance

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Hell Yeah

Funny tweet where woman says she changed the word "no" in her mom's phone to autocorrect to "HELL YEAH" | can I have some people over to drink a little? umm hell yeah?? awesome i meant to say hell yeah you da bomb hell yeah rebecca!
Via MisterDeath
Funny screenshots from a website called "Dating Mark," which was made by a guy named Mark who is looking for a date | billboard Date Mark This could be sign been waiting Visit Facts and Stats Height 6ft Length index finger 6.82cm Friends 2 Eye colour 4e4f5f Location Sheffield Shoe size 10 Number Girls Kissed Over 3

Dude Advertises Himself On A Billboard In Order To Get A Date

Mark, we're rooting for you.
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funny comments on the facebook post of an anti-vaxxer mother asking for advice on how to prevent her child from getting measles | Natural Health Anti- Vaxx Community-Plooking recommendations. My 3 year old is not vaccinated and there is currently measles outbreak my state. Any suggestions precautions can take protect her would be very much appreciated. She's 3 years old..never been vaccinated anything? Well middle aged she's lived good life Frank's hot sauce

Anti-Vaxx Mom Trolled In Facebook Comments

Good luck, lady.
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Funny dank memes and tweets about the restored Ghent Altarpiece lamb restoration | tweet by GoingMedieval Therapist uncovered face Lamb God Ghent Altarpiece isn't real can't hurt uncovered face Lamb God Ghent Altarpiece. derek zoolander blue steel

Sixteen Reaction Memes Inspired By The Restoration Of The Ghent Altarpiece Lamb

Its lips are so...big.
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troll plays dude legendary

Thirsty Dude Goes Nuts After Getting Played By Legendary Troll

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entitled guy wants people to do free labor in exchange for exposure, music videos.

Clever Troll Puts Choosing Beggar In His Place

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turkey in the microwave prank

This Stupid Viral Thanksgiving Prank Is Hilariously Enraging Moms Everywhere

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funny craigslist troll, cat, rabbit, the incident, trolling

Dude Trolls Craigslist Ad Seeking Kitten With Bizarre Tale Of 'Violent Incident'

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Funny prank where people tell their dads that they put olive oil in their cars

Dads Get Pranked With This Olive Oil Hoax

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Funny tweets with images of face-swapped Disney characters

Face-Swapped Disney Characters Are Unexpectedly Creepy

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Funny photos from an Instagram account called "Kirby Jenner" who photoshops himself in to photos of the Kardashian-Jenner family

'Kirby Jenner' Is The Troll-y Photoshop Hero We Need

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