

trends, slang, article, skibidi, gen z, gen alpha, hot takes, language

Sticking Out Our Gyatt For the Rizzler: Are We Really Slang Fatigued?

On Reddit's infamous r/teenagers sub, a user offers up a post with the title “I f****** HATE being 13”. They elaborate: “Yesterday my whole class had to stay behind for 30 minutes because some kid kept yelling ”sigma sigma on the wall, who's the skibidiest of them all". It would seem that even the first true iPad kid generation is tiring of the language that it has supposedly started to speak.
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gen z, gen alpha, slang, communication, twitter, twitter thread, talking, controversy, teenagers

'I don't think you guys realize how cooked we are': Concerned relative causes controversy complaining about 14-year-old Gen Alpha cousin's use of slang

Same as it ever was
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‘Oh you don't know these? Hmm, it's like all over TikTok’: Sarcastic teacher gaslights his students with made up Gen Z sounding slang

These kids just got schooled
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explain, explain like i'm 35, social media, explainer, gen z, slang, funny, trends, trending

Explain Like I'm 35: What is Yapping? (February 4, 2024)

We're all chihuahuas
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Weekly Internet Roundup: Chabad Tunnels, Josh Wine, and Golden Globes Slang

Also, a bunch of men let their impulsive thoughts win.
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explain, ijbol, lol, acronym, lmao, rofl, funny, slang, gen z, explainer, explain like i'm 35, laughing, laughter, laugh

Explain Like I'm 35: What is IJBOL?

Laughing acronyms leveled up
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explainer, ick, gen z, slang, word, definition, disgusted, explain like i'm 35, millennial

Explain Like I'm 35: What is the Ick?

The established slang word that is more relevant than ever.
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mother, mothering, slang, gen z, explainer, lgbtq, famous people, celebrities, social media, twitter, tiktok

Explain Like I'm 35: Who is Mother? (March 18, 2023)

She's not as Oedipal as you might think.
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internet, social media, explainer, explain like i'm 35, twitter, onika, burger, nicki minaj, stans, stan twitter, slang, nonsense

Explain Like I'm 35: What is Onika Burger? (March 12, 2023)

Barbz rule the internet
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Funny video tutorial about how to speak in 'Gen Z' lingo

Tutorial On How To Speak 'Gen Z' Will Really Confuse The Millennials

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Funny Tumblr thread about different ways to say the word 'vagina' in Italian | map of italy himbocloud scheide scham sacapel sbanzega börtola frice panole folpa mona sbarzitla zinforgna barbisa barbigia nateua Yuinera pota tchergnapicioca bernarda mona borma brügna figa fritulà fiora sepa pataracia bregna Turba bigioia neira passera bartagna stessa brugna obinna tegia patafiocca patacca pisaia ciornia belan ghersa thussa tacc petalussa apettera mozza lallera pasarina fi' potta Cicalaastagncchia

Italian Has A Plethora Of Slang For Genitalia, According To This Amusing Tumblr Thread

Pacchio and mozza and petalussa, oh my!
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Funny 'Woman Yelling at Cat' memes that exemplify various Southern slang terms

'Woman Yelling At Cat' Memes That Perfectly Showcase Strange Southern Slang

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Funny memes and moments from the Canadian show 'Letterkenny'

'Letterkenny' Memes And Moments That Are Far Better Than Chorin'

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Gotta Learn To Stand Up For Yourself

Pics of a dad throwing a basketball saying, "Listen son, in this world it's either yeet or be yeeted"
Via ridiculost

Works Every Time!

Stock photo of a waitress presenting something with text that suggests to use the word "oof" when presented with something slightly uncomfortable
Via 21_i_miss_ryan_ross
Florida memes

15 Florida Memes And Moments Of Colossal WTF-ery

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