

No I Am Not

Funny Skeletor meme about making mean jokes to your friends
Via thekingsurinal
Oddly Specific Insults

17 Oddly Specific Insults To Help You Dunk On Your Worst Enemies

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police searching for a short guy

Pint-Sized Dude Gets Ruthlessly Roasted On Police Department's Wanted Notice

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Ha Ha Sucker

Caption that reads, "Trying to figure out which drink has less in it so you can give it to your sibling" above a pic of Kylie Jenner inspecting two iced coffee drinks
Via Beautifulbeard

What A Good Policy!

Tweet that reads, "At my wedding, you'll be able to come alone, bring a plus-one, or choose a minus-one, where you can un-invite one person of your choosing, no questions asked"
Via jmc042

She Follows These Five Simple Tricks!

Reductress tweet that reads, "Dermatologists hate her! This woman is really mean to dermatologists!" above a stock photo of a woman
Via Sevault


Tweet that reads, "Was speaking to a nurse on placement and she's like, 'do you ever feel like you use all your niceness at work and then when you get home you're not nice to anyone in the house' and I couldn't relate any more if I tried"
Via anlyin


Text conversation where Person 1 says, "You aren't gonna believe who is beautiful!" Person 2 says, "Who is?" and Person 1 says, "Read the first two words"
Via Yuub

Sick Burn

Text conversation where someone asks why the chicken crossed the road, with the answer "to get to the idiot's house;" then they say "knock knock, it's the chicken" to their friend
Via Darkbutterflies

Sorry Guys...

Tumblr post that reads, "'Men don't like that. It's such a turn-off;' good. Turn off. Where is your off button. Shut up. Please stop making noise"
Via Darkbutterflies

Gen Z Parenting Hack

Tweet that reads, "Parenting hack: when punishing your kids, don't take away their electronics. Take away their charger and watch the fear in their eyes as they use it less and less while the battery slowly dies"
Via Fairy0T0ale
Funny insults, savage insults

19 Fiery Insults To Send To Your Worst Enemies

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Not At All

Caption that reads, "When you make a joke and someone says 'That's not very nice'" above a pic of Skeletor saying "I am not nice"
Via YouAreDrunk

Def Gonna Try This Out

Tweet that reads, "Met a bunch of guys from Harvard yesterday and I kept pretending like I never heard of that school just to piss them of them legit turned red when said, 'Harvard? Is that like a local community college?'"
Via Nobodylook


Caption that reads, "My sister ate the leftovers I was saving so I taped this to her bathroom window. Have a nice shower sweetie" above a pic of a cutout of a guy peering into the bathroom taped to the window
Via PiggyStarDust

Mean But Accurate

"The I'm not interested starter pack" above texts that read, "Maybe, haha aw, niiice and ohhh"
Via graceggg