

bride, crazy brides, bridesmaids, bridezilla, brides, wedding, wedding themes, weddngs, wedding party, wedding cake, marriage, mean, mean girls, bullying, maid of honor, story, reddit, reddit thread

Bridezilla treats wedding guest like hired help, forces her to clean Airbnb, blocks her for talking back: 'I was used and taken advantage of'

Not cool, bride
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family drama, teenager, teenage, gorgeous, brother, teenagers, reddit story, daughters, mean, uncle, reddit thread, daughter, Reddit, pretty, brothers, Mean People

Uncle Calls His Brother's 16-Year-Old Stepdaughter 'Not Gorgeous' After Calling His Niece 'Gorgeous'

He's the bad guy
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house, home, rent, renting, mean, los angeles, festive, christmas, twitter, twitter thread, landlord, landlords

'This is an IRL Hallmark movie villain arc': Scrooge landlord raises rent before Christmas after LA lifts ban on rent increases

'Happy holidays all!'
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Sad, moody, mean memes, bad mood, sad memes, negative, anger, relatable memes, relatable, upset, mean, Memes, negativity, angry, mad, rude, sadness

Bad Mood Memes For Bummed Out Debbie Downers Who Embrace Negativity

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oat milk, coffee shop, lactose intolerant, poop, petty revenge reddit, milk, reddit story, petty revenge, mean, coffee, reddit thread, pooping, Reddit, rude, Mean People

Lactose Intolerant Lady Schools Busybody On Why She Ordered Oat Milk in Her Coffee

She gave him more than he bargained for
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text, texting, relationships, dumped, cruel, mean, twitter, twitter thread, date, dating, breakup, rejection

Cruel Woman Gets Slammed For Dumping Date With Brutal Text

Totally unnecessary
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friendship, friend, friends, relationship, relationships, twitter, twitter thread, betrayed, betrayal, mean, mean people, crazy people

Scorned Twitter Users Share the Times They Realized That a Friend Hated Them

People who can't be trusted
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askreddit, reddit thread, annoying, rude, mean, annoying people, parenting, parenting fail, why, manners, polite, people, examples

Disgruntled Redditors Provide Examples of Things People Do When They Aren't Raised Right

Shameful behavior
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boyfriend, twitter story, relationship, twitter, Twitter Thread, twitter reactions, attractive, mean, relationships, girlfriend, tweets, tweet, twitter discourse, pretty, Mean People, card

Boyfriend Makes Childish Card to Apologize to his Girlfriend For Saying She's "Not That Pretty"

He's not very smart
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ask reddit, bad, manipulative, people, excuses, judgement, askreddit, reddit story, bad people, mean, entitled, subreddit, reddit thread, Reddit, rude, entitled people, Mean People

People Share Big Indicators That Someone is a Bad Person

Red flags everywhere
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kids, parenting, playground, dad, bullying, girl, toddler, playing, grandma, reddit, petty revenge, revenge, children

Cunning Dad Gets Petty Revenge on Bratty Kid Who Excluded His Son at the Playground

Raise 'em right
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insane, parents, Mom, moms, dad, dads, Texts, toxic, parenting, Parenting Fail, texting, Mean People, unhealthy, unhinged, Communication, text, grandma, childhood, mean

The Cringiest Parenting Texts of the Week (August 15, 2023)

You know what they say about insane parents , can't live with them, can't live without them despite your best effort to rid them from your life. There's no perfect parent-and-child relationship. Even the best families still have hiccups now and then. There are a lot of lucky people out there with some of the best, most sane parents imaginable. And that's incredible! But we're not here to talk about you guys, sorry. Some of us have been cursed with the most deranged parents imaginable. I can per…
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twitter story, twitter, Twitter Thread, twitter reactions, mean, mean girls, couples, tweets, the big bang theory, tweet, mean tweets, twitter discourse, couple, Mean People

Woman Makes Fun of Couple For Looking Nerdy, Twitter Users Come to Their Defense

Every day in NYC, I am afraid that someone with 17K Twitter followers will take a picture of me on the subway, say I look lame, and get 100K likes. This is not an unfounded fear in the slightest because it literally happens all the time. Adult bullies who need to put others down to feel superior will record strangers minding their own business in public and ridicule them so that they can get a couple of measly likes on an app run by a tyrant. What a world we're living in on the place formerly k…
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coffee, small business, bully, bullying, mean, cruel, nice, wholesome, twitter, reaction, roasted

Hater Tries to Bully Wholesome Small Business Owner, Gets Schooled by the Rest of Twitter

Serves him right
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customer service, karens, waiters, server, waiter, karen customer, customers, mean, customer, talesfromyourserver, food service, karens in the wild, rude, karen, service industry, Mean People

Miserable Karen Berates Waiter Over a Side of Butter

Karens have been around long before we labeled them as Karens. A lot of boomers don't like the Karen label (usually because they display some Karen tendencies themselves), but boomers can't deny that the term Karen serves a specific and useful linguistic function. There didn't use to be a concise word to describe an entitled, impatient, cruel, boomer white woman who drives everyone up the wall. The absolute worst thing about Karens is the self-centeredness they seem to all possess. They perceiv…
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Bad parents, texts ffrom mean and strict parents, wtf

Bad People Competing For the Worst Parent Awards

When I was about eleven I decided that I was going to focus on making friends instead of my schoolwork. Since Pre-K my mother had me attend certain classes in the higher grade because I was “gifted,” which didn't do me any favors socially. Being so separated from my peers was incredibly alienating as an already-awkward kid. Eventually, my parents had me switch schools after third grade to experience some sort of social normalcy. Unfortunately, I was bullied immediately as a newcomer. I just did…
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