

Funny pics of people who failed at their one job | pipe going through a stone wall spilling water on a bench | DENTIST ASSAULT Suspect Firstname Lastname News suspect photo

29 Cringey Times People Tried And Failed At Their One Job

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Well, My Work Here Is Done

Funny meme that reads, "*Writes the first 3 words of an essay*" above a stock photo of a guy sleeping, with text that reads, "What an exhausting day"
Via LeoSenior

Oh Darn!

Funny meme about procrastination, featuring Kermit the Frog | me: ill do it at 4 time: 4:05 me: wow looks like I gotta wait till 5 now Kermit chilling in bed
Via anlyin


Funny meme about being so lazy you dont take the furniture out of the box, ikea | *How lazy are you? * I figured out you don't actually have to assemble these things
Via u/Last-Film

That Quarantine Life

Funny meme that reads, "Me enjoying the sleep I don't deserve after a long day of doing absolutely nothing" above a photo of a little dog lying in a bed
Via LeoSenior

I Mean, Yeah

Funny meme that reads, "'I can't wait for my day off;' me on my day off: ..." above an illustration of a skeleton sleeping on a couch
Via PerfectlySymmetricalViolence
Funny memes about being a Millennial

18 Creepily Relatable Memes For Sad Millennials

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funny life hacks designed to help you lie

15 Life Hacks For People With Loose Morals

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A Cause We Can Get Behind

Funny sign that reads, "Why is sleeping in considered lazy but going to bed early isn't? I am starting the #AllSleepMatters movement"
Via KickMyBallsRealHard
Funny spirit animal memes.

17 Spirit Animal Memes & Tweets For All You Self-Deprecating Clowns

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Yeah That's Way Too Far

Funny tweet that reads, "I save tons of money shopping online because I'm lazy to go get my credit card from the other room"
Via JustAWeirdLoser


Funny meme about grandpa joe.
Via genuinely-surprised

Group Projects Are The Best

Funny meme about group projects.
Via distinguishedbaloney

It's Probably Those Pesky iPhones

'Is this a PIgeon' meme where anime character represents "Parents," the butterfly represents "classic symptoms of mental illness" and the bottom text reads, "Is this laziness?"
Via milohilay

Um Excuse Me

"When you're trying to be lazy and someone starts being unnecessarily loud and productive around you" above a stock photo of a guy lying on a couch angrily holding up a bell
Via mg7374128350


Caption that reads, "Professional basketball player: *Misses free throw;* Me: ...What a f*cking idiot" above a pic of a fat guy sitting on a couch watching TV
Via AlwaysGetsBan