

It's True

Text that reads, "How likely are you to recommend Windows 10 to a friend or colleague?" above a review of the product where someone says that they do not often sit around talking about operating systems to friends
Via RonSwansonsGirl

Preeeetty True

Tweet that reads, "I'm just a girl, sitting in front of a computer, holding a phone, which is open to the same website as the computer I'm sitting in front of"
Via RonSwansonsGirl

Hell Yeah

Caption that reads, "A laptop but with a VHS player" above a pic of a laptop with a video tape and a Tumblr comment below that reads, "A glimpse into another dimension"
Via FishMarshall
Funny programming memes

20 Programming Memes That'll Trigger Any Developer

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computer laptop Video - 79512833

Who Needs a Laptop to Have Fun?

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I Disgust Myself

computer dirty laptop - 8760601600

A Fate Worse Than Disposal

funny memes unattended laptops upgraded to windows 10

Then why is this here?

class school aww yeah laptop - 8577971712
Created by legoboy415

Every time in class

all the things laptop - 8579451648
Created by Spectacles_56

Just Scoping

Via Fancy People Adventures

Now you see it...

lost and found laptop mom - 8561679872

eBay junk

laptop ebay - 8552608768
Created by zachdude777

It's Like a Walkman, But Better!

best of week headphones laptop wtf - 5197113856
Created by Electrichaze

Is Anyone Working?

it's time to internet!
Via rags3

"Powerful Gaming Graphics"

expectations vs reality computer laptop video games - 8422108672

So Warm

me gust sweet jesus laptop warm - 8415455488
Created by fireweedninja