
Horrible Bosses

A list of posts to a Reddit thread divulging the worst things their bosses have ever said to them.

Workers Share The Worst Things Terrible Bosses Have Ever Said To Them

Employment can be a real piece of work. Being the underling of your boss can go sour quickly. As anyone in the workforce knows, employers are often more than willing to take advantage of their employees because they think they can get away with it. Horrible bosses believe they can squeeze the life out of their workers and continue doing so because they don't think they will ever quit. Who among us hasn't had a boss who watches our every move, making you terrified of making one error to risk bei…
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work, antiwork, jobs, labor, horrible bosses, i quit, reddit, reddit thread, human resources

Worker Quits After Receiving Insulting 'Prize' From Management

You've got to be kidding me
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Reddit thread about a dude who gets fired for showing up to his new job two minutes late

Dude Gets Sent Home For Showing Up to His New Job Two Minutes Late

Overreact much?
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'Do your job': Karen boss tries to sabatoge overworked and underpaid employee, they stop doing her job for her

'Sure, I'll do MY job': Karen boss tries to sabatoge overworked and underpaid employee, they stop doing her job for her

If someone is going out of their way to do your job for you, it would probably pay to be kind and appreciative towards that person. Alas, the types of managers who are putting their subordinates in this position probably also lack the basic people skills necessary to make this realization. The thing is, there are all kinds of clever ways that you can “delegate” your own tasks to subordinate workers; as a manager, I've worked for certain organizations in the past that would dangle the carrot of…
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reddit, reddit thread, secret santa, christmas, jobs, work, antiwork, anti work, horrible bosses

Careless Boss Ruins Secret Santa Game After Forgetting to Buy Gift for Employee

'I was the only one who didn't receive a gift.'
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'I can’t afford to pay them': Employee fired and asked to repay $1,100 to employer

'I can’t afford to pay them': Employee fired and asked to repay $1,100 to employer

This employee was accused of claiming hours they had not worked, with the employer demanding repayment of the supposed wages under the threat of lawsuit. The employee, Reddit user u/disappoint-mint, turned to this popular Reddit subreddit in order to seek advice and share their story. They posted their story to the popular Reddit subreddit r/antiwork in a thread titled “I was fired am being told I need to repay $1,100." This
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Woman wrongly fired for calling out roach infestation at Nashville bar

Nashville Bartender Fired For Calling Out Roach-Infested Workplace

Anyone who has worked at a restaurant, bar, or combination of the two knows that pests like fruit flies, gnats, and roaches are no joke. Any sort of infestation can do damage to the business's reputation and can cause major drama with the Department of Health. While a bug here or there is something that's hard to avoid, if a bar or restaurant is overtaken by flies or visible roaches, things must be really, really bad. Any self-respecting business owner would call in professionals to handle a pe…
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Reddit thread about a Dastardly Boss Banning Cashiers From Drinking Water On The Job

Dastardly Boss Bans Cashiers From Drinking Water On The Job

I never felt less like a human being than when I worked a customer service job . Something about always having to be productive, getting harassed by customers, and not being allowed to sit and catch a break really tears you down. Your needs are not being prioritized at all, and as a result, you're physically and mentally exhausted by the end of your shift. In situations like these, a manager can make or break your experience. At my old job, I was lucky enough to have managers that would stick u…
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A Reddit thread about the worst holiday Christmas gifts workers had ever been given

Workers Discuss The Worst Christmas Presents Their Company Ever Gave Them

From the time we were little, we were taught to be grateful for whatever gifts we were given during the holidays. Parents coach their children to say thank you no matter what present they get because doing anything else would be most unkind. However, as you grow up, you realize that some gifts are actually an insult. The mean girl in middle school didn't give you a Lady Speed Stick out of the kindness of her heart. Likewise, sometimes companies give gifts that are far more insulting than they a…
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dine and dash, customer service, service industry, work, antiwork, server, restaurant, horrible bosses, reddit, reddit thread

Customers Dine & Dash at Restaurant, Boss Tries to Force Server to Cover Cost

Serving is a thankless job. Often caught between a horrible boss breathing down their neck and a table of customers from hell, a server only has a paycheck and tips to look forward to. One redditor vented to r/antiwork about their sister's shady employer , who had the nerve to charge her $200 after her table decided to dine and dash. So, not only did she miss out on a good tip, but her job was putting her into debt. Redditors in the comment section were rightfully indignant, urging OP to report…
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anti work, antiwork, reddit, reddit thread, wage theft, payroll, paycheck, horrible bosses, employment

Shady Company Tries to Steal Employee’s Paycheck With ‘Payroll Reversal’ After It’s Deposited

The one thing people expect from their employers is to be compensated for their work in a timely manner. Can you imagine what would happen if, after purchasing something in a store, you reached into the cash register to take your money back? Or what if you turned in your rent and then cancelled the check before it could be cashed. Do you think your landlord would let that slide? Of course not. Under no circumstances should a company be able to “reverse payroll” on their employees. This is exact…
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workplace Horrible Bosses employee employment antiwork - 17366789

Guy Gives Notice to Job, Company Revokes All PTO

A disgruntled worker shared this experience to Reddit's r/ antiwork subreddit, claiming that their employer had refused to honor their accrued PTO once they handed in their notice. They had thought that they were doing the correct and honorable thing by giving their notice to their employer but felt that this had just come back to bite them. The relationship between an organization and its workers is built upon trust. Once that trust is betrayed by a worker/workers it's completely fair that the…
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manager Horrible Bosses - 17091333

Supervisor Told By Micromanaging Manager to Check Clock-Ins More Closely, Employees End Up With Massive Payout

It doesn't
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Bad and horrible annoying boss becomes angry when employee takes vacation and goes off the grid, work, office, family

Entitled Boss Loses It When Vacationing Employee Is Unreachable

Vacation time is precious. Every day that most of us salaried workers toil equals a percentage of a day of freedom. That freedom can be enjoyed in many different ways: a little staycation with your partner, ordering fancy takeout and sleeping in. Or perhaps a beach getaway, sleeping and drinking on the sand, letting the salt water rejuvenate ones body. Whatever the flavor of vacation, there is one important and universal truth for that time: You do not have to work. Most of the time we are acti…
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malicious compliance, retail hell, service industry, food, deli clerk, work, anti work, jobs, karen, manager, horrible bosses, reddit thread

Boss Berates Deli Worker for Not Serving Karen Minutes Before Closing, Employees Maliciously Comply

This humble redditor's tale of retail hell has it all—the entitled Karen who makes demands minutes before closing and leaves a nasty review when she doesn't get her way. The unreasonable boss who expects the employee to do the work of ten people but chews them out if they log even 15 minutes of overtime. And the triumphant workers who show their boss the meaning of malicious compliance .
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Well then... | "Breaks and lunches will no longer be allowed to be taken in your vehicles." the notice reads. "Approved areas are the breakroom and picnic area out front. You can no longer be in the parking lot during work time without permission from your Supervisor. "

'Failure to comply [...] will result in disciplinary action': Viral thread shows workplace limiting employee's breaks to 'approved areas'

This image went viral today after it was posted to Reddit's r/antiwork community. The photo shows a notice that was posted in an apparent break room notifying workers of changes to policy regarding worker breaks. The changes prohibit workers from taking their breaks in their vehicles and require workers to instead take their breaks in “approved areas”. “Breaks and lunches will no longer be allowed to be taken in your vehicles.” the notice reads. “Approved areas are the breakroom and picnic area…
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