horrible bosses

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Boss Ignores Subcontractor's Advice for Improving Efficiency, Ends Up Paying Workers $900 Per Hour for Years

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Boss Idiotically Cops to Grand Theft Paycheck In Email to Former Employee Requesting Owed Wages

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Evil Manager Reprimands Hungry Employee For Eating Out of the Trash

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Shady Boss Tries to Get Away With Wage Theft, Employee Hits Him With Genius Response

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'Baby Boomers Only': Business Owner Insults Gen Z Former Employees in Desperate Help Wanted Sign

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'Our ice cream is too expensive': Dude Gets Fired For Dropping One Scoop of Ice Cream

A Reddit story about a crazy boss who demands restaurant employees sign an NDA and not talk about their work for 25 years

Crazy Boss Makes Employees Sign an NDA Saying They Can't Speak About Their Job For 25 Years

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Tutor Quits After Boss Refuses to Give Water to Thirsty Kids

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Upper Management's Plan to Make Employees Feel Stupid Backfires Big Time

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Worker Gets Into Car Accident in Snow Storm and Boss Asks Why They Failed to ‘Report to Work’

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People Discuss The Pinnacles of Loser Behavior

A compilation of funny and random memes

Memes For Smart People, Such As Yourself

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All the Best Boss Memes for the Chronically Mismanaged

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Workers Share Times Bosses Tried to Use Wage Theft as a Punishment for Tardiness

25 Memes for the Broke Servers/Baristas/Bartenders Who Have a Wild Amount of Jerk Customers to Deal With on a Daily Basis

25 Memes for the Broke Servers/Baristas/Bartenders Who Have a Wild Amount of Jerk Customers to Deal With on a Daily Basis

A Reddit thread discussing how poor PTO in the United States is

Frustrated Workers Discuss The Dismal State of Paid Time Off in America