funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

Funny tweets, twitter users as whether americans do all the things they do in movies and television | vera @sleepfordays do americans actually have an obscene amount throw pillows on their beds or is just another lie told us by movies/tv shows

Funny & Confused Tweets About the Way Movies Portray Americans

Fresh and funny tweets from Twitter

Fresh Tweets We Stole From the Bird App (November 27, 2022)

that happened, didn't happen of the year awards, liars, funny tweets, twitter cringe, cringe, funny, memes, stupid people

Dubious Posts Nominated for the 'Didn't Happen of the Year Awards'

A compilation of funny tweets by parents about parenting

The Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (November 24, 2022)

Funny random tweets, fresh tweets, relatable, humor, kanye west

Fresh Tweets to Enjoy While Hiding From Your Family on Thanksgiving (November 24, 2022)

Funny tweets, fresh tweets, twitter memes, thanksgiving, black friday

Fresh Tweets We Recently Snatched From Twitter (November 21, 2022)

Funny twitter thread about working at a grocery store during the holidays, entitlement, funny, funny tweets | dylan morrison @dylan_thyme two years part team handled holiday orders at fancy~ grocery store where worked; last year ran encourage STAY HOME this season, here are some stories about some wild shit holidays seem drive people do! some these orders were raw meats turkeys, rib roasts, etc but most them were prepared meals, or raw meat and prepared sides save people having cook themselves

Twitter Thread Describes the Insanity of Working at a Grocery Store During the Holidays

Dana Schwarts writes tweet against South Park, angry south park fans troll and roast her on Twitter. | Dana Schwartz @DanaSchwartzzz retrospect seems impossible overstate cultural damage done by SOUTH PARK show portrayed earnestness as only sin and taught mockery is ultimate inoculation against all criticism. SpongeBob Facts spongbob_facts Replying DanaSchwartzzz SPONGEBOB FACT: Wow 's crazy Dana, SpongeBob is about watch some more South Park! He loves show!!

Writer Trolled After Sharing Anti-South Park Tweet

17 Entertaining Tweets For Those Who Are Blessed With Amusing In-Laws

17 Entertaining Tweets For Those Who Are Blessed With Amusing In-Laws

Funny drunk texts, drinking, alcohol, funny memes, texting, booze, stupid people | where are left early Sorry couldn't stay longer wtf where are going going home are kidding come back drunk don't worry called an uber drank at place Oh Where am going | PresidentPrince @Princegeee_ My girl is drunk woke up 12 missed calls and texts saying she's crying so obviously mad worried so called her make sure everything straight she's crying cos her friend took bite her burger Muyi @kingmxyi 19h ok everyone

Amusing Moments of Alcohol-Related Stupidity

Funny tweets about things that are lowkey goated

15+ Tweets That Are Lowkey Goated When Being Too Online Is the Vibe

A compilation of funny and random memes

A File of Fantastic Memes

A compilation of tweets predicting and mourning the end of Twitter

The Funniest #RIPTwitter Tweets Prematurely Mourning The Bird App

‘I Don’t Need Your Permission, I’m an Adult’ Memes for the Digital Natives, AKA the Millennials

‘I Don’t Need Your Permission, I’m an Adult’ Memes for the Digital Natives, AKA the Millennials

 Funny and fresh tweets

Fresh Tweets Hot Off the Twitter Presses (November 17, 2022)

A compilation of funny and relatable tweets about parenting and kids

The Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (November 17, 2022)