funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

Twitter users share the gifts that men actually want

Dudes Share the Holiday Gifts Men Actually Want (Hint: No Beard Oil)

Wholesome/Funny Collection Of Memes, Tweets and Reddit Posts In Honor Of The Holiday Season Spirit

Wholesome/Funny Collection Of Memes, Tweets and Reddit Posts In Honor Of The Holiday Season Spirit

List Compiling Great Memes About Houseplants

A Succulent Selection of Houseplant Memes For Devoted Plant Moms

A compilation of funny and random memes and images

Mediocre Memes And Tiresome Tweets For The Posters Soul

Funny dank memes about slapping bags | Vince McMahon MiracleGro Garden Soil All Purpose GROUND USE Mirade Gro Garden Soil All Purpose GROUND USE WF Miracle Gro Garden Soil All Purpose GRO "ND | Men bags of soil in Home Depot

Super Specific Memes About How Much People Love Slapping Bags

Fresh tweets from smart people on twitter, funny tweets, random tweets

Fresh Tweets From People Who Are Pretty Good at Tweeting (December 17, 2022)

Funny random memes and tweets

A Wintry Mix of Random Memes and Tweets

A compilation of funny tweets about parenting and kids

The Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (December 15, 2022)

nostalgia funny funny tweets Memes relatable Old People parents millennials gen z over-30 funniest weekly 2000s 1990s 90s kids

Top Tweets By People Over 30 To Celebrate The New Year

Funny random tweets

Fresh Tweets We Stole From the Bird App (December 14, 2022)

A compilation of funny tweets about Hallmark Christmas movies

Hallmark Christmas Movie Tweets That Perfectly Sum Up The Genre

Funny tweets, twitter, lord of the rings, lotr, humor, memes, tolkien, tolkien tuesday

Tolkien Tuesday: The Best Lord of the Rings Memes This Week (December 13, 2022)

Funny tweets about ridiculous engagement bait

Attention-Seeking Nursing Assistant Baffles and Infuriates Twitter With Absurd Engagement Bait

A compilation of funny and random memes

Memes On The Verge of a Nervous Breakthrough

A compilation of funny and random memes

Good Honest Memes With Nothing To Hide

Funny random tweets

Fresh Tweets From the Funny Brains of Twitter (December 9, 2022)