funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

People imagine the insanity of playing uno at a casino, humor, funny, tweets

People Imagine the Absolute Chaos of Playing Uno at a Casino

virtual reality, science fiction, sword art online, gaming, video games, palmer luckey, nerve gear, memes, oculus, technology, black mirror

Oculus Creator Makes Prototype for VR Headset That Kills Gamers IRL When They Die In-Game

Fresh and funny tweets from Twitter, relatable tweets

Fresh Tweets We Lovingly Harvested From the Bird App (November 7, 2022)

Twitter, WEird Al tells people how to pirate his biopic, funny tweets

Weird Al is Being Celebrated For Telling Fans How to Pirate 'Weird: The Al Yankovic Story'

Funny political compass about beer brands

Beer Drinkers Discuss Viral Beer Brand Socio-Political Compass

A compilation of MLB Baseball memes

Baseball Memes For MLB Fans Celebrating The World Series

Tweet inspires debate about wedding vows, marriage vows, relationships

Psychologist Catches Heat For Cringey Tweet About Marriage Vows

Criminal tweets, funny tweets about crime, lol, humor

Criminal Tweets From People With Nothing to Lose

Fresh and funny tweets from the bird app

Fresh Tweets We Stole From the Twitterverse (October 29, 2022)

A compilation of funny tweets about parenting by parents

The Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (October 27, 2022)

Funny reactions to Game of Thrones House of the Dragon Funny

The Best Tweets About the 'House of the Dragons' Finale's Painful Last Scene

Funny tweets, relatable tweets, humor, comedy, lady gaga, lol, twitter memes

Fresh Tweets We Snatched From the Bird App (October 25, 2022)

Funny memes, tweets about bartending, bartenders

Tweet About Annoying Cocktails Inspires Discussion About Bartending

Funniest Tweets About Peoples’ Controversial Opinions Regarding Candy Corn

Funniest Tweets About Peoples’ Controversial Opinions Regarding Candy Corn

Funniest Dad Tweets We Saw This Week

Funniest Dad Tweets We Saw This Week

Funny stories about liars, pathological liars, humor, funny, crazy lies, fred durst, kurt cobain

Bald-Faced Lies From Overconfident Deceivers