funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

fresh and funny tweets about the queen dying, queen elizabeth, england

Fresh Tweets From the Bird App, the Queen is Dead Edition (September 12, 2022)

Article Recapping Viral Twitter Thread Where Entrepreneur Told Teens To Knock On Strangers Doors For Career Advice

Entrepreneur Tells Teens to Knock on Rich Stranger's Doors to Advance Their Careers

Cringey and uncomfortable memes, tweets, and internet posts

Uncomfortable Images For the Masochists of the Internet

Cringey Disney couples doesn't feed their wedding guest, wtf

Disney Couple Forgoes Catering at Wedding So They Can Afford Appearance By Mickey and Minnie Mouse

A compilation of random memes and images

A Listicle of Memes Chosen at Random

Funny random tweets and memes

Fresh Tweets From the Brilliant Minds of Twitter (September 10, 2022)

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Mysterious Twitter Users Embrace Ambiguity With "Secret Third Thing" Trend

Every Dissociative Chris Pine Meme For Anyone Else Who is Definitely Worrying Darling

Every Dissociative Chris Pine Meme For Anyone Else Who is Definitely Worrying Darling

Funniest Memes About Chris Pine Being Miserable and Allegedly Getting Spit on by Harry Styles at the ‘Don’t Worry Darling' Premiere

Funniest Tweets About Chris Pine Being Miserable and Allegedly Getting Spit on by Harry Styles at the ‘Don’t Worry Darling' Premiere

Funniest Pumpkin Spice Memes for Everyone That's Definitely Ready for Spooky Season

Funniest Pumpkin Spice Memes for Everyone That's Definitely Ready for Spooky Season

Random funny and fresh tweets from twitter, humor, comedians, comics, comedy

Fresh and Funny Tweets Straight From the Bird App (September 6, 2022)

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Insane Drama Surrounding Release of Olivia Wilde Movie 'Don't Worry Darling' Prompts Hilarious Twitter Takes

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Surreal Thread Points Out Celebrities That Look Uncannily Alike

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Technically Correct Examples of Funny Logic

Funny random tweets

Fresh and Funny Tweets Harvested From the Bird App (September 3, 2022)

Shameful cringey moments of gatekeeping, tweets, twitter, yikes, rude, gaming, masculinity | THIS is FAMILY THIS is NOT FAMILY homophobic t shirts | Sitting front craft beer couple at Twins game and they keep going NOT BEER poor vendors selling Bud Light. Imagine being so uninteresting think this counts as personality

Cringey Moments of Ridiculous Gatekeeping