
family, parenting, baby, birth, memories, recording, phone, filming, tiktok, twitter, video, debate, controversy, mom, technology, dystopian

'Someone is recording them recording': Family Gets Called Out For Filming New Mom and Baby on Phones, Sparks Debate About Recording Special Moments

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'One of the dumbest social customs of all time': Dude Sparks Debate Slamming Homes With 'Shoes Off' Policies

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'Just use water instead': American Slams UK Old El Paso for Selling 'Extra Mild' Fajita Kits, Continues the Transatlantic Food Wars

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"I don't have the heart to tell him": Woman Breaks Down When Nobody Can Come to Boyfriend's 30th Birthday, Sparks Debate About Male Friendships

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Weekly Internet Roundup: Jollyposting, the GTA 6 Trailer, and DINKs Gone Wild

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29 Philosophy Memes for Existentialists and Absurdists Alike

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Couple Admit That They're Not Each Other's 'Type', Prompt Debate About Attraction and Relationships

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Fastidious Brusher Shames People Who Keep Their Toothbrush in the Bathroom, Start Debate on Cleanliness

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Boastful Woman Starts Debate After Claiming She Never Befriends Friends' Boyfriends

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Rich Couple's Wedding Guests Reveal Highlights of $59 Million Festivities, Prompt Debate on Twitter

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Defensive Dog Mom Beefs With 3-Year-Old Child for Approaching Service Dog, Causes Controversy on Twitter

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Boyfriend Asks Girlfriend to Cover Bill and Tell Everyone He Paid, Sparks Debate About Money and Gender

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Content Creator Posts Beige After Work Routine, Starts Debate on Lifestyle

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Bartender Splits Opinion on Twitter With Speedy Cashier Skills

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Wife Admits to Husband That She Could Potentially Cheat on Him, Starts Debate About Infidelity

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Avoidant Dater Advocates For Relationship 'Expiration Date', Sparks Debate on Committed Romance