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AITA?: How Reddit threads have become a morality compass, guiding society’s most complex queries through random strangers’ opinions

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Work Laugh Balance: 28 Office Memes That Touch Base With Your Bandwidth for LOLs

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27 Throwback Toys That'll Make Every 90s Kid Feel Young Again

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'The boobytrapped door was not level': Clever son complies with dad's request, creating an ambush after Tetrising an entire case of beer bottles inside the mini fridge

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'I replaced my roommate's underwear with one size down': Vengeful people disclose their pettiest revenge stories

Silliest Statements Made by People Who Are Not the Brightest Crayons in the Box

Silliest Statements Made by People Who Are Not the Brightest Crayons in the Box

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27 Amusing & Clever Solutions to Irritating Everyday Problems

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20+ Ingenious Practical Inventions That'll Leave You Wondering Why You Didn't Think of Them First

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Twitter Dweeb Gets Clowned for Claiming That Having 130 IQ is "The greatest tragedy"

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Ignorant People Who Somehow Think They’re The Next Einsteins

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Top Creative Insults of the Week (March 3, 2023)

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Top Spiciest and Creative Insults of the Week (February 23, 2023)

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A Fat Stack of Fresh Tweets (October 15, 2022)

Funny twitter thread from @BijanStephen about dumb ideas of how to make the world a better place.

Twitter Users Share 'Dumb' Ideas That Could Actually Improve The World

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Fresh Tweets From Silly and Slightly Twisted Minds of Twitter

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An Impressive Collection of Clever Quips And Quick Comebacks

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