

Funny random tweets | Thread Brayden Bauer im_your_density texted girl are up week ago and she has yet respond. can't believe she's thinking this hard about lol 's simple question honestly might just ghost her 3:14 am 15 Aug. 19 Twitter iPhone 10.7K Retweets 114K Likes

Titillating Tweets Written By Amateur Geniuses

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Interesting video that shows a woman fitting a too-long object into a box

Video Shows Clever Hack For Fitting A Wrong-Sized Object In A Box

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Funny random Tumblr posts | sweaterweathercub ace-pervert sobering stat during coronavirus fears- 90 employees admit they have gone work sick Abigail Hes st-just Who could have possibly foreseen organizing entire service economy around low-wage workers without sick leave or reliable access doctor might someday backfire.

Seventeen Witty Tumblr Posts That Got Us Chuckling

You gotta love a little Tumblr humor from time to time!
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funny random memes, funny tumblr posts, gamer beds, nerdy memes funny memes | shadowy figure standing above a body on the ground waiting tell her puked My mother sleeping | am trying clean my room and find cool old stuff: person in a helmet wearing an infinity gauntlet a light sabre and yu gi oh card deck holder

Pointless Posts For Those Who Wish To Procrastinate

Have at 'em!
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Funny random tweets | Ben Dreyfuss @bendreyfuss lot cheap flights right now, and part thinks, if im going get coronavirus might as well get deeply discounted 5 star hotel Venice

Twitter Tidbits We Think You're Gonna Like

If you don't like them, then...sorry?
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The Way You Make Me Feel

Funny YouTube comment that reads, "I sexually identify as Michael Jackson. My pronouns are he/hee"
Via 0B1JU4N

This Guy Deserves An Award

Funny meme that reads, "Dad challenges kids to draw him sleeping so he can have a nap" above a photo of a guy sleeping on a couch with kids drawing him
Via anlyin
Funny random tweets | Regina Carpaccio @ReginaCarpaccio wish could let my dogs bark at voicemail notification until goes away like do people come door 1:53 PM 2/24/20 Twitter Android

Freshly Picked Twitter Tidbits For Your Enjoyment

Twitter delivering the humor once again!
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Funny and clever comebacks and insults on Twitter and Reddit | pic of hands tied together to a phone with earphones cord tweet by pepe @Finallypepe But y'all not ready this conversation Soph @sophieesol Got AirPods sorry | father has cheated on every one his wives including mother. Eric Trump O @EricTrump truly hate disloyal people 4:35 .m 17 Aug 18 42.5K Retweets 197K Likes

Excellent Comebacks That Deserve Some Recognition

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Funny and clever comeback posts from Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, etc | send pic u bra: passport photo of girl inside a bra. text messages: Babe think Pregnant AT&T Subscriber Yu Are Trying Reach Is No Longer Service KNOW SPELLED WRONG AT&T Subscriber Are Trying Reach Is No Longer Service.

Solid Comebacks From Quick-Witted People

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That'll Teach Them

Funny meme of a guy wearing a Lego costume saying that he's tired of people walking all over him and that's fighting back with his Lego costume
Via Endichan
Funny dank meme from 'Top Gear,' entitled "Sometimes My Genius... It's Almost Frightening" Jeremy Clarkson driving | Next time step on Lego will simply get taller bloody genius Sometimes my genius is s almost frightening name cat pspsps so always comes call Sometimes my genius is s almost frightening

Fifteen Dank 'Top Gear' Memes For The Geniuses Among Us

Can you believe this show is from all the way back in 2002?
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Funny memes from the Disney TV show 'Phineas and Ferb' | childhood ruined real life realistic rendering of Phineas and Ferb. Everybody's talking about Baby Yoda but no one talks about Baby Perry the platypus

Fifteen 'Phineas And Ferb' Memes In Honor Of Such A Clever Kids' Show

"Hey, where's Perry?"
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Funny random tweets | tweet by brendohare will have 4 blueberry muffins dinner please DUNKIN DONUTS CASHIER: Please do not tell us having them dinner

Dumb Twitter Nuggets Full Of Comedic Gold

We wish we'd thought of some of these, but alas.
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Funny tweet that reads, "I drew a ninja" above a blank image
Via anlyin
Funny random posts from Twitter | tweet by kaiteasley therapist: have considered maybe not sabotaging own life Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump BORING!

Thirty-Three Twitter Tidbits To Eliminate The Tedium

Twitter is the best social media platform. Don't @ us.
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