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Dad forces 18-year-old son to pay rent or get out, allows 22 year old unemployed son to live with him rent free: 'I'm getting punished for my brothers actions'

It's not fair
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30 of the Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (April 4, 2024)

What if the terrible twos are forever?
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'My dad jokes are wasted': Child free folks discuss the cons of the no-kid lifestyle

No kids no problems
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parenting, parenting fail, parenting tweets, parenting memes, funny parenting tweets, funny parenting, funny parenting memes, moms, dads, dad jokes, dad tweets, kids, things kids say, raising kids, children

30 of the Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (March 28, 2024)

Surviving the terrible twos
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parenting, parenting fail, parenting fails, parent, crazy things parents say, moms, children, baby, baby cry, crying, child free, childless, friends, friend drama, reddit, reddit thread, aita, am i the asshole

'This was some secret test': Weird mom friends shame child-free woman for ignoring baby's cry at a restaurant

Everyone's competing for mom of the year
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family drama aita entitled parents kids brother sibling rivalry siblings entitled family family feud parenting wedding family children entitled people - 25162501

Entitled sister is banned from family beach holiday after demanding care for her children: 'She asked if they could go and I said no'

It's all good to help someone out when they're in need; this is an essential part of being a family, friend, or even part of a community. However, there's a distinct difference between offering your assistance to someone who is beyond grateful for a helping hand and being forced to help out someone who feels entitled to your time and resources. This isn't always cut and dry either; help can often start with a lot of gratitude and then become a routine expectation over time. Here, often, the bes…
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'Get extra good locks': Entitled sister wants to run daycare out of brother's house despite not paying rent

Living with family is hard
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'And curl that wig': 4th grader gives her mom hilarious instructions on how to dress for her class birthday party

She knows exactly what she wants
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kids, children, parenting, twitter, twitter thread, family, debate, controversy

'Perpetual teenagers. How boring': Twitter users argue over Seth Rogen explaining why he doesn't have kids

The most contentious life decision
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Ruined Childhood, childhood memory, families, kids, crazy things parents say, childhood, parenting, little kids, family, parenting tweets, Parenting Fail, parents, children

'Clapping at TV shows': Former kids share weird things their families did while raising them

Lucille Ball deserves applause
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16 Oldest Child Memes for All the Responsible Siblings

They're the best
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'Give these kids a proper childhood': Child influencer drinks coffee and wears acrylic nails, horrifies Twitter

This feels wrong
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'It takes a village, but we don't forcibly draft the villagers': Entitled mom accuses family of raising her baby recklessly

That's not what that phrase implies...
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parenting, parents, parenting fail, parenting tweets, parenting memes, crazy thing parents say, funny parents, moms, dad jokes, dads, children, married with children, kids, kids these days, things kids say

30 of the Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (February 22, 2024)

Kids will say anything
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steal, stealing, kids, crazy things parents say, teachers, tablet, awesome teacher, teacher, parenting, kids these days, Parenting Fail, parents, children, Parenting FAILS

'I embarrassed his child and labeled her a thief': Parents reprimand teacher for catching their daughter trying to steal a tablet

What did she do wrong?
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question, kid, kids, crazy things parents say, parenting, dumb questions, dad, stupid questions, questions, mom, Parenting Fail, parents, children, Parenting FAILS

'Why can’t you be more like your brother/sister?': People share tasteless questions adults ask children

This should be common sense
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