Rage Comics

oh god why

XBone E3 Price

Awkward facepalm poker face e3 herpderp bad poker face oh god why xbone xbox one - 7558199552
Created by ChemicalTaint

Peeping Trolls

kids oh god why pooptimes Rage Comics - 6352472064
Created by samantha.rose

Do Only the Downvoters Comment?

comments meta oh god why computer guy - 8054381056
Created by TheRealTonyStark

Did I Even Try?

childhood oh god why poetry - 7901510656
Created by ZombieToast902

Baby Got Back

oh god why childhood me gusta dance - 6625240832
Created by BelleleRelle

Mail Fail

neighbors package all the things oh god why mail - 8399514112
Created by death_by_rage

Rough Night

forever alone drinking poker face oh god why - 6530473728

Oh God I'm Gonna Die

boss fired bad poker face oh god why - 7604738304
Via Rufdog2

Attack of the Boner

dentist Awkward oh god why - 8452822016
Created by PinkieP

Silent Pain

chips pain oh god why - 8438805248
Created by Kittehlolzrfun

Please... Not When I'm Awake

numb morning wood oh god why - 6713692928
Created by raptorsfan95

D is For Diploma

studying school oh god why test - 8371325440

Why, Childhood Me, Why?

oh god why poker face - 7896772608

How Was I Supposed to Know

kids oh god why - 8135023616

Oh God, It's on My Face!

faptimes oh god why poker face Rage Comics - 6350673920

The Bitstripocalypse

facebook nothing to do here oh god why bitstrips - 7908493312
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