


odyssey prefix rage comic Rage Comics rhyme rhyming similar sounding trojan horse - 4802218240


axe caterpillar literalism poo poodle prefix suffix wall - 4474331648
Created by Thrashard

One Keet - Parakeet

parakeet pair prefix homophone literalism one two - 6686891520
Created by glennvolio

His is a Very Wet Wit

Hall of Fame literalism prefix sarcasm shark similar sounding - 6138537728
Via Old Blue Eyes

Valid Point

dancing extension Hall of Fame pole prefix syllogism - 4881398272
Created by xyzpdq1

He Puts the Ass in Assouplissant Textile

french Hall of Fame homophone literalism lolwut posing prefix robert downey jr puns - 5159936512

I Wouldn't Want to See a Meth Lab, Then...

black chocolate color double meaning lab labrador literalism prefix - 5550984704
Created by LOLdogexpert

Or an Antipasta, Depending on the Level of Fakeness

fake Hall of Fame impostor literalism noodle pasta prefix similar sounding suffix - 6372115456
Via Vanilla face

Use the... Mojo?

catchphrase Hall of Fame name obi-wan kenobi prefix similar sounding star wars - 6224619008
Created by bugbotpro


Awkward fap innuendo prefix similar sounding - 4777388544

Or Maybe They're Just Canine?

grey prefix similar sounding - 5744508416
Created by LOLdogexpert

You Gotta Rac Up Those Donation Dollars Somehow!

convention literalism prefix raccoon similar sounding slang - 6574379008
Created by TuckerBentley

I Remember My Vacation There Fontly

font literalism prefix similar sounding - 5750228224
Created by xyzpdq1


double meaning literalism prefix russia russian - 6044861440
Created by Unknown


combination contraction lemon lime prefix Super - 4286633728
Created by Unknown

Surprise! They're All Made Using Real Bear!

rhyming bear similar sounding prefix - 6760931328
Via Reddit