

Do you remember the lyrics? So many people have favorite songs, yet if you ask them to sing it, let's just say you might find some of these jokers here.

Ra Ra Rasputin

disco Hall of Fame literalism lyrics mythology song - 4846241280
Created by LOL_penguinz

Apparently These Are David Guetta Lyrics?

brand lyrics song - 6393516288
Created by jose1452


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David Goes to the Existential Crisis

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You Can Say That Again

star wars lyrics song similar sounding literalism love - 6898948864

You've Got a Friend in Me

double meaning literalism lyrics song toy story - 6423986432
Via Pun Comics

Let's Hear it For Good Charlotte References in 2012...

lyrics song similar sounding girls money cars - 6815600384
Via Skies of Fortune


cliché dear deer double meaning literalism lolwut lyrics - 5558502144

The Best Way To Map Popular Music

Chart famous Hall of Fame How To lyrics Music prefix road song Songs suffix train - 4646619904
Created by tonis

SMP CLASSIC-ish: Arhaus...

double meaning Hall of Fame literalism lyrics madness song street - 6310733312
Created by Unknown

Seafood in Paris

double meaning fish Jay Z kanye west literalism lyrics parody song Watch the Throne - 5806170112


FAIL lyrics parody single - 4170897920
Created by shinykitty144

He's a Pretty Rough and Tumble Dude

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Created by Kraken42

Actually, This Seems Par for the Course for a Bruno Mars Song

literalism lyrics makes sense parody song title - 4835009280
Created by kamikaze193