


best ever buildup double meaning idiom Image literalism long form mark twain punchline twain - 6265317376
Created by Gerald B. Punman

He Can't Come to the Phone Right Now...

double meaning explanation idiom Image literalism - 5814086912
Created by RainbowSmithe

What Kind of Roll Even is That?

double meaning idiom Image literalism on on a roll roll - 6344308224
Created by Mixanji ( Via fav.me )

SMP CLASSIC: Beauty...

beauty bee beholder classic definition Hall of Fame idiom Image literalism similar sounding - 6153862912
Via Failbag

You Know How the Saying Goes...

double meaning flies Hall of Fame idiom Image literalism time - 6372928000
Via Something of That Ilk

Well, Yes, Actually...

cat got idiom Image literalism similar sounding tongue - 6385037312
Created by chech1965

I Bet That Bill is Going to Be Astronomical

curiosity data double meaning idiom Image literalism Mars nasa space - 6491700480
Via Reddit

And Sometimes its Radiance Stings

beauty bee beholder difference eye idiom Image letter literalism lolwut similar sounding pun words meme - 5331952384

That's What You Get When You're Stuck At the End of the Loin

cliché cold double meaning idiom Image late literalism Party shoulder - 5528890880
Created by dominicsoh ( Via Pocket Puns )

2012 in a Nutshell

idiom literalism 2012 - 7080722176

Not So Secret Anymore

bag cat cliché double meaning idiom Image out - 5376216832
Created by GravityFish

SMP CLASSIC: And You'd Better Watch Out!

spring idiom literalism classic corner - 7121651968

My Bear to Cross

bear cross Hall of Fame idiom Image literalism reversal switch switcheroo - 6236558336
Created by Unknown


compliment compliments Hall of Fame idiom Image literalism misinterpretation restaurant - 5219879168

Hired Gun

double meaning gun idiom Image literalism - 5380745728
Created by trollcave_08

There's No I...

I idiom Image literalism team - 6079564032
Created by xyzpdq1