


band black-eyed peas double meaning idiom ipod literalism peas pod - 5407684608

Cash Cow

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Created by catimacat

I Think it Could Be Fuller, TBH

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Created by MrOreoman

Falling for You

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Ladies and Gentlemen: Math!

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But My Arms Are Getting Tired!

Hall of Fame horse horses idiom literalism - 5176285184
Created by meganeguard

Surfing the Net

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Created by ray677

The Unfortunate Side Effect of Having Tater Tots

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Created by me_gusta_man

High on Life

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Via Punblr

Well, Yes, Actually...

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Created by chech1965

I Bet That Bill is Going to Be Astronomical

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Via Reddit


double meaning Hall of Fame idiom literalism - 6304114944
Via Dastardly Psychotic Prankster

This Girl is a Keeper!

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Via Reddit

SMP CLASSIC: Wise Words From a Qui Gon Era

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What Kind of Roll Even is That?

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Created by Mixanji ( Via fav.me )

That's One Way to Do it

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Created by trollcave_08