

But I Don't Think You're Ready for This Jelly

dam damn idiom literalism homophones jam - 6958604800
Via Pacific Islanders

You're Such a Wilting Flower!

afraid double meaning fear grow Hall of Fame homophone idiom Image literalism pear - 6264356096
Created by Evoker

The Debut Post on So Much Bun

bun double meaning idiom Image literalism on on a roll roll - 6114336512
Created by Fatalyze


double meaning idiom Image literalism sandwich - 5511322624
Created by commandercandy

Pearls of Wisdom

idiom literalism - 6964657408
Created by Lucky810 ( Via Gemma Correll )

H2Overwhelming Arrogance

double meaning glass idiom Image water - 6423256064
Via Pleated Jeans

I Think it Could Be Fuller, TBH

brand cereal double meaning idiom Image life literalism name - 5796832768
Created by MrOreoman

It Really is His Life's Calling

bomb double meaning Hall of Fame idiom Image literalism - 6469844992
Via Poorly Drawn Lines

Some People Just Can't Leaf Well Enough Alone

idiom similar sounding bark tree leaves - 7135464960
Via Crankshaft

It is Indeed!

double meaning idiom Image literalism - 6358611456

No, Seriously!

idiom Image it literalism nail Nailed It nails - 5092030464
Created by xyzpdq1


double meaning flush idiom Image literalism rimshot slogan - 5558508800

Who Let Schrödinger Control This Thing!?

cat curiosity double meaning idiom Image literalism Mars - 6558807040
Created by nearfest

This Girl is a Keeper!

double meaning idiom Image keeper literalism olympics soccer - 6459071744
Via Reddit

That's One Way to Do it

ass donkey double meaning Hall of Fame idiom Image literalism - 5785174784
Created by trollcave_08

Whatever, I Do What I Want!

idiom literalism double meaning - 6815594496
Via Completely Serious Comics