


cliché dear deer double meaning literalism lolwut lyrics - 5558502144

Peanut Butter Jelly Thyme

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Created by cheeseblarg ( Via cheeseblarg.blogspot.com )

Are You Sure About That?

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Created by xyzpdq1

Bad Toilet Humor

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Created by Static_Bunny ( Via The Pepper Pancake )

Such Terrible, Brilliant Punsmanship Here

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Created by Raptor2213 ( Via Pears Before Swine )

Coincidentally, He's Upstanding Too

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Via Reddit

And Then the Bailiff Clubbed Him

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Created by dominicsoh ( Via Pocket Puns )

So Many Memes, So Little Time

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I Was Just Trying to Lighten the Mood!

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Via Amazing Super Powers

I Sea What You Did There, Bad Joke Eel

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That's an Opinion You Can Have About it, Sure...

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Created by Facinelli4ever

The Hours Are Very Flexible, Too

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Created by dominicsoh ( Via Pocket Puns )

Well, and Also Because of Federal Regulations

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Created by venusaurmaster

ICWUDT Mental Floss...

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Created by LOLdogexpert ( Via Mental Floss )

Whale, Whale, Whale...

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Just Let Me Know When You're Going to Crumb

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Created by xyzpdq1