

Some Horses Never Die...

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Created by MarianasTrench604


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Please Stop With This

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Created by Necohon

She is Also Perpetuating One of the Most Tired Puns on the Internet

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Created by xyzpdq1

Such Terrible, Brilliant Punsmanship Here

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Created by Raptor2213 ( Via Pears Before Swine )

That it Is...

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Created by ElizaBell3

I Was Lion When I Said There Was a Witch in Your Wardrobe, Too

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Created by beezles

Such a Colorful Cry

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Via Reddit

The Hours Are Very Flexible, Too

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Created by dominicsoh ( Via Pocket Puns )


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Created by Jackie Q

He Finally Did it!

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Via scimoccomics.tumblr.com

Photographing All the Cosmic Party Rocks

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Created by LOLdogexpert

Wait, How Did We Get Talking About Colors?

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Created by Unknown

Have a Good Day Yourself, Batch of Clichés!

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I Was Half-Expecting Him to Drive a Porsche

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Created by _C_A_T_ ( Via humortrain.com )

The Perils of Rock 'n' Roll Fame

Babies Music rock cliché famous literalism star double meaning band - 6748470272
Via Octopuns