

SMP CLASSIC: Hella Chill Brownies, Bro

cool sunglasses brownies literalism temperature double meaning classic - 6813087488
Via Julia Segal

Classic: A Nigel Thornberry Joint

smashing pumpkins nigel thornberry classic - 7150426368
Created by Cruncle

SMP CLASSIC: But Only After He Soiled Himself

classic double meaning fear grow homophone literalism pair pear - 6622232320


classic comparison famous ferris bueller Movie - 4037633536
Created by el_wuffel

SMP CLASSIC: 555 Numbers Are ALWAYS Trustworthy

call classic double entendre double meaning Hall of Fame innuendo literalism misinterpretation - 6481259776
Created by Mission_Possible

SMP CLASSIC: Dog, the Bounty Hunter

bounty brand classic dogs double meaning literalism - 6077976832

SMP CLASSIC: Buddha Dharma Sci-Fi Laser Blaster

boba fett buddha classic Hall of Fame juxtaposition literalism similar sounding star wars Star Wars Day - 6188066048


classic Hall of Fame missing letter typo warning - 6461494272
Created by lemonfloorwax

SMP CLASSIC: Looks Like We've Got a Runner

classic double meaning homophone literalism robbery similar sounding strawberry suffix - 6394452224
Created by Lord_Clure

Who's On First?

baseball classic doctor who double meaning Hall of Fame literalism whos-on-first - 5325726976
Created by Richdog

SMP CLASSIC: Our Father, Who Art in Gardens

lettuce literalism homophones double meaning pray classic - 6837977344
Created by .Kenji

A Tail of Two Kittehs

cat Cats classic homophone literalism novel parody tail tale title - 4614071552
Created by Snake73

SMP CLASSIC-ish: ... But Didn't Nobel Invite Dynamite?

classic dynamite Hall of Fame lyrics similar sounding song tayo cruz - 5674339072
Created by LOLdogexpert

Don't Go Buck-Wild, Just Settle Down

bro puns deer classic animals - 7888782336

SMP CLASSIC: Could it Really Be Any Other Way?

camping classic double meaning homophones in intense literalism tents trip - 6425281536
Created by xyzpdq1

SMP CLASSIC: It's a Little Chewy

steak star wars chewy chewbacca wookiee double meaning classic - 6976825600
Created by StarFireKitty666
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