


answer he homophone homophones it question tea - 4499452672

You Sher Locked Into That One, Emma

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It's the Only Sum He Knows

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Created by rtothe2


answer bull game homophones key similar sounding suffix - 4363964416
Created by craigede

Ever wondered why he's so interested in such fine wear?

question answer how i met your mother literalism Neil Patrick Harris suit - 6955378688

Yarrrrr We Do

answer car Hall of Fame Pirate question sound - 4886236928
Via kylebustin.tumblr.com


answer bath difference double meaning Hall of Fame literalism lolwut question take yes - 5468133632

The More You Know *Shooting Star*

answer question rabbit similar sounding unique - 6595090176
Created by rarity235

Classic Newb Hipster Mistake!

answer before burn coffee cool double meaning hipster literalism question tongue - 6613020416
Created by deathwish01b

This Could Only Be Better Under One Circumstance...

answer double meaning literalism question rich slang surname - 6511789056
Created by xyzpdq1

Bad Joke Eel Makes Babies Cry

question ten Bad Joke Eel answer octopus homophone - 6878224128


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Created by Cyber6x

She Must Be Really Pissed!

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Via Punblr

Puns, Big Willie Style

question diet answer Movie Subway double meaning will smith - 6993982208
Via Reddit

These Mushrooms Just Said Something Real Mean About Yo Mamma

question answer talking mushroom similar sounding poo - 7022663168
Via Reddit

The Specific Ocean...

answer comeback Hall of Fame ocean questions troll - 5742131200