

interesting and valuable things people found in the trash | Handwriting - Duck-Yo-Couch 2 days ago Once I found a perfectly good stationary bike that my neighbors threw out that I cleaned up then used for years. Can't believe this day comes only 52 times a year.

The Best Stuff People Found In The Garbage

One person's trash is another person's very valuable, useful trash.
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advertising college FAIL friedrich nietzsche off-rhyme Pronunciation - 4400107008

You Were SO CLOSE to Getting it Right...

bison brand FAIL literalism misinterpretation similar sounding - 5534950400
Created by mattbcha1
A collection of things that look like food, but definitely aren't | put an orange on my cat and now he looks like an egg | wood cut into slabs that look like bacon strips

Forbidden Foods To Avoid At All Costs

Must resist the urge.
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Man gifted DNA test for his birthday learns about his real dad and siblings | r/tifu Join u/chabbiedabbie TIFU by giving my boyfriend DNA test his birthday M Edit DNA test 23& health and ancestory kit So this happened back August but he finally got results back few weeks ago. But brace yourselves, this is some soap opera shit. Turns out he has half sister and aunt he never knew about. Both aunt and sister are on his dads side family so he spoke his dad.

Man Gets DNA Test For Birthday, Soap Opera Ensues

At least this one has a happy ending.
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That They're Plural Should Be Telling to Begin With

balls demotivational FAIL soccer wrong - 6331037184
Funny memes about the press conference at four seasons total landscaping in philadelphia | on next arrested DEVELOPMENT TRUMP standing here at beautiful Four Seasons Total Landscaping | Paul Overbite @PaulOverbite And may find yourself across street crematorium And may find yourself next door dildo store And may find yourself at press conference And may find yourself front landscaping business And may ask yourself Well did get here?

The Best Memes & Tweets About Four Seasons Total Landscaping

This is not the Four Seasons you were looking for.
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FAIL lute weapon win - 4219697408
Created by stratocumulus
Bride wants to airbrush over her bridesmaid's tattoos | SOS need advice comes large tats. My foster sister has few very large mural tattoos on her arms! She is only one wedding who will have tattoos showing paying lot perfect wedding and photographer so am really struggling with do do not want be bride, but they are going stand out like sore thumb as they are very vibrant. Do ask airbrush make up lady go over them as know 's possible or do work with photographer and see if she could edit them

Bride Wants To Airbrush Over Bridesmaid's Tattoos

Let the tattoos be.
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People describe the biggest plot holes that they've ever come across. | IntroGeist 22h 1 Award Incredibles happened Supervillains after Superheroes became illegal? They just disappeared no reason, No one could stop them now so they would obviously do more crime. But they're gone

Biggest Plot Holes That Haunt People

Plot holes can drive one insane.
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Girlfriend gets fed up with boyfriend's incessant gaming | AITA telling my BF if he doesnt go work, hes no longer using ANYTHING mine (including my car AND wifi Not hole 28f/29m been together like 4 years think love this guy death but say he is lazy is seriously huge fucking understatement and doesnt even shed an ounce light on actual problem. Hes also gaming junkie-like worst their kind example game is being released, he waits up until midnight purchase game (no matter expensive) and will binge

Girlfriend Gets Fed Up With Boyfriend's Gaming, Cuts Him Off

Homeboy's gotta get a job.
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A musician expects a drummer to play for free, and then the drummer sets them straight | Hey bro, saw play at with gig are amazing bro! 18:23 Hey appreciate man. Glad had good time!

Choosing Beggar Expects Drummer To Play For Free, Drummer Sets Them Straight

Guy must be a delight to play music with.
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Someone Needs to Shape Up

FAIL puns text AutocoWrecks g rated - 7897607424
An entitled teen wants to steal a tattoo artist's design, doesn't understand their frustration. | going get tattoo. 1h Reply Hide replies sel tattoo rights and linework on my Etsy buy and can get clean like work file give tattooer! 1h Reply

Entitled Teen Wants To Steal Tattoo Artist's Design, Doesn't Understand Their Anger

The ignorance is strong with this one.
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He Clearly Didn't Understand the Gravity of the Situation

air double meaning drag FAIL insensitive pressure resistance science too soon wind - 5357886720
Created by Dave ( Via scimoccomics.tumblr.com )
people who regretted treating themselves | mozgw4 2 days ago 2 3 3 3 Thought never been on cruise want go on cruise now So booked 2 week Caribbean cruise suite, with wife. Who, on arrival, decided she didn't like anymore and spent 2 weeks avoiding so spent 2 weeks on my own on this bloody ship divorced now.

People Who Tried To Treat Themselves and Failed

It's not so simple.
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