

A collection of times that real life boss fight moments occurred in the world. | tool IKEA uses put their stores together | learned today about time guy brought 2222- card yugioh deck national tournament demonstrate why game needed deck size limit

Times Real Life Boss Fight Moments Occurred

Some people just take it from 0 to 100.
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A petty revenge tale about a driver that got their comeuppance. | r/pettyrevenge u/-avenged 7h Join 1 3 1 1 So not hurry? Okay then guess don't need overtake, right bit context right-hand drive country, rightmost lane on freeway is fast/overtaking lane and give way faster vehicles regardless fast they're going, even if at speed limit. Basically have no right police anyone's speed as civilian.

Driver Teaches Road Rager A lesson In Petty Revenge

Now that's just beautiful work.
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People describe the most ruthless rejections that they've ever endured. | Geotis 10y asked girl out. She said "yes" and gave her number alled reject hotline. Took while shake one off.

Most Ruthless Rejections People Have Endured

People can be real heartless.
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That They're Plural Should Be Telling to Begin With

balls demotivational FAIL soccer wrong - 6331037184
Karen wants $1K in exchange for $10 coupon sent to wrong address | r/ProRevenge Join u/TheBreakUp2013 1y Karen Wants $1,000 Cash 10 Coupon Sent Wrong Address Pays More Legal Fees (Re-Posted with Names) This story is few years ago worked legal department 1,000+ store national retailer. As part my job handled customer complaints elevated customer threatened legal action. Our customer service call center forwarded Karen's call after she threatened legal action. Karen left message claiming she not

Karen Wants $1K Cash for $10 Coupon Sent to Wrong Address

It's demands like this that just invite instant rejection.
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Guy ends up besting a dodgy travel insurer to the tune of over $9K.

Guy Bests Dodgy Travel Insurer To The Tune Of $9K

Good for him.
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Tinder conversation that explain alot

17 Flirtatious and Absurd Moments From The Wacky World of Tinder

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Funny food fails, funny tweets, twitter thread, restaurants, food orders, facepalm, cringe | lilyanna @lilyannatrnr my bf told me when he was 17 he worked in a posh hotel and at breakfast some bloke asked him "is this creme fraiche?" and he replied "yeah we don't serve out of date food" and I can't stop thinking about it | skinnylegend m8 wbu? Replying to @lilyannatrnr My mate worked in a wine bar for a bit an a customer asked her for "a Chilean red wine" an she went to mix the house red with

25 Food Order Fails Packed With Facepalm

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karen story former employee | r/MaliciousCompliance Join u/SumoNinja17 218d New hire misses MOST first three weeks work, then uses as reference L TL:DR neighbor/Karen takes advantage our company with outrageous claims, then uses us as reference get our point across with creative wording. Karen continues use us reference and clueless protected fellow business owners Let's call her Karen, just because fits. She came and applied job and looked at her resume and application realized she knew some

Lying Karen Uses Old Employer As Reference, Backfires Terribly

Karen needs a wakeup call.
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Man doesn't evacuate for hurricane soon enough, and ends up sheltering with lions | r/tifu Join u/nuqlick TIFU by not evacuating hurricane early enough and ending up shelter with lions L shared this story before on reddit long time ago, but someone told belongs this sub This happened within past few years. Not gonna name hurricane or zoo, because don't want zoo get hate mail about treatment animals or anything really they did phenomenal job with this being during hurricane, and don't

Man Evacuates For Hurricane Late, Ends Up Sheltering With Lions

Definite yikes.
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A funny conversation about trolling a gift card scammer. | 4:44 PM Hello are doing? Hey Aunt Christine l'm doing well thank is everyone doing there can now call each other and see information like Active Status and read messages. Doing wonderfully great. Hope everything is going on fine with Yep can't complain stationed San Diego. My wife and kids are back Va

Man Trolls Gift Card Scammer For Hours

Well done, my dude.
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Oddly Enough, I Seem to be Uninterested

FAIL puns sign - 7850938880
Created by Unknown

You Were SO CLOSE to Getting it Right...

bison brand FAIL literalism misinterpretation similar sounding - 5534950400
Created by mattbcha1
Girlfriend gets fed up with boyfriend's incessant gaming | AITA telling my BF if he doesnt go work, hes no longer using ANYTHING mine (including my car AND wifi Not hole 28f/29m been together like 4 years think love this guy death but say he is lazy is seriously huge fucking understatement and doesnt even shed an ounce light on actual problem. Hes also gaming junkie-like worst their kind example game is being released, he waits up until midnight purchase game (no matter expensive) and will binge

Girlfriend Gets Fed Up With Boyfriend's Gaming, Cuts Him Off

Homeboy's gotta get a job.
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dad fires son for stealing from job | Posted by u/E11451913 1 day ago 14 10 3 15 13 AITA firing my son? Not hole Throwaway because don't want this seen on my main account get straight issue. My M43 17 year old son Adam has been trying become independent and preparing move college but struggling find job own private warehouse as side job earn living. My wife suggested hire my son work at warehous. Moving boxes, brining workers lunch, helping with cleaning kind stuff. She said is both our benefits

Dad Fires His Son for Stealing from Work

Ah, the old "my dad's the boss" mentality.
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Coming Soon: Flailblog.org

derp FAIL magikarp Pokémon similar sounding - 4659661312
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