

Hopefully Demi Lovato's "Trap Queen" Pun Costume Doesn't Catch on This Halloween

halloween fail Demi Lovato's "Trap Queen" Pun Costume
Via MTV's Girl Code

Zippo's Not Down for a Double Header

double meaning FAIL idiom literalism lolwut match no - 5325786368
Created by Whiteoverblue
A collection of comebacks that were too clever for their own good | They think haircuts are un-American Well very observant them because aren't American, actually The Beatles | Boomers: Why are there holes jeans rip those yourself? Gen Z: Why are there holes ozone rip those yourself? Millennials: laughing Leo Dicaprio

Clever Comebacks That Deserve Gold Stars

Plain old nailed it.
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He's Gone Off the Grid!

cannot chrome FAIL find google question search waldo wheres waldo - 5323256064
Created by KittehBoy1963


bros FAIL Hall of Fame rhyming shakespeare similar sounding spelling william shakespeare - 5368464384
The most hypocritical behavior that people ever witnessed. | StandCroissant 2d 1 Award My girlfriend criticises always being on my phone yet is seemingly unaware much she is on hers.

Most Hypocritical Behavior People Witnessed

Hypocrites are the worst.
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You're Also Mispronouncing That Name TERRIBLY

carl sagan FAIL Hall of Fame homophones saying similar sounding - 5876368384
Created by LOLdogexpert
Man gifted DNA test for his birthday learns about his real dad and siblings | r/tifu Join u/chabbiedabbie TIFU by giving my boyfriend DNA test his birthday M Edit DNA test 23& health and ancestory kit So this happened back August but he finally got results back few weeks ago. But brace yourselves, this is some soap opera shit. Turns out he has half sister and aunt he never knew about. Both aunt and sister are on his dads side family so he spoke his dad.

Man Gets DNA Test For Birthday, Soap Opera Ensues

At least this one has a happy ending.
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cyanide and happiness FAIL flirting pickup lines - 4568340224
didn't age well, aged like milk, cringe, hindsight, hitler, climate change, spongebob squarepands, bitcoin, technology, twitter, memes, facepalm, fail | Let this magic mineral, ASBESTOS buildings protect on farm! JOHRS HANVILLE Asbestos magic mineral Middle Ages. Today, still magic mineral; fireproof, rot-proof, and practically indestructible. combined with portland cement is manufactured into products which are especially important on farm,because they provide permanent protection against fire

17 Past Proclamations That Aged Like Milk

Hindsight is 20/20
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A collection of things that look like food, but definitely aren't | put an orange on my cat and now he looks like an egg | wood cut into slabs that look like bacon strips

Forbidden Foods To Avoid At All Costs

Must resist the urge.
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The dumbest things that people have ever heard. | tocanofd 9h S 1 Award sat next girl bio who got 40% on our first test. She seemed quite pleased and said now she only needed get 40% again have an average 80 O Reply 1 222

Dumbest Things People Have Ever Heard

The cluelessness is strong with these ones.
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FAIL lute weapon win - 4219697408
Created by stratocumulus
A musician expects a drummer to play for free, and then the drummer sets them straight | Hey bro, saw play at with gig are amazing bro! 18:23 Hey appreciate man. Glad had good time!

Choosing Beggar Expects Drummer To Play For Free, Drummer Sets Them Straight

Guy must be a delight to play music with.
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It's Hard to Catch a Break When You're a Man On the Run

bar double meaning FAIL Hall of Fame into literalism - 6089805568
Manager tries to embarrass an employee, and ends up self destructing | r/ProRevenge JOIN u/Darigone Total Humiliation told should post this here [TL:DR] Manager used my report meeting set an example Only manager be humiliated by same report work security and have been years common practice is complete report happened during time specifically work patrols. Basically go location location checking on each site

Manager Tries To Embarrass Employee, Proceeds To Self Destruct

See ya later.
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