Art of Trolling


twitter list puns Memes - 1187077

These Hilarious People Have Elevated the Grey Sweatpants Challenge to Comedy Gold

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New Pair of Pants Needed

dog memes

One Man's Search for a Dog Meme Really Brought the Internet Together

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The Poles Do Enjoy Their Dancers...

scientology twitter religion - 6898694144
Created by Creestab ( Via )

Hail to the pole overlords!

scientology twitter religion idiots - 6824090112
Created by Creestab


hitler portland twitter - 6593260288
Created by GarethWorker
twitter - 564741

Pakalu Papito is a National Treasure

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Definitely Sistahs

rihanna twins twitter - 5619592448
Created by krawky95

Deaf Jam Problems

Music twitter trolling - 8816774912
Via lil-boo-ocean

Be Careful, He Might Beat You Up for That

blink chris brown IRL twitter - 6275990784
trump tweets for St Patrick's day and fails with mispellings and mistakes

People Are Trolling the Shit Out of Donald Trump After His St. Patrick's Day Tweet

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It Sure Is

grammar stupid twitter - 6578524416
Created by Evan_Raz
twitter jokes list Memes - 807429

The Internet Laments Ever Changing Beauty Standards

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Are You Gonna Go Bald 4 Bieber?

twitter 4chan cancer justin bieber - 6707778816

It's Derrlicious!

twitter - 5361096960

Passive Aggressive Grandma Knows What's Up With Her Hose

funny parenting tweet grandma lease passive aggressive note to kids cutting her hose for bongs
Via @GaryNunn1