Art of Trolling


I have one

gay rights IRL religion sign that sounds naughty Westboro Baptist Church - 6578862080
Created by Cazablah3

Who the Hell Says Yes????

god Omegle religion troll vs troll - 4495076096
Created by Partim Nunes

God's a pedophile?!

iGod illegal pedobear religion too young - 4175529216

Use the Force

obi-wan kenobi religion star wars - 7148244480

Hail to the pole overlords!

scientology twitter religion idiots - 6824090112
Created by Creestab

If I Die Before I Wake

Death marriage prayer religion sexytime sleep - 4065125120

Fangirls Are the Worst

fan god IRL religion sticker - 5303779072
Created by LuuKaa

That's How He Invented Homosexuality

god religion women world - 6418854912


religion praying facebook - 6981000704
Via Reddit

Classic: He'll Dye for Your Shins

IRL religion shoes - 6302133504
Created by Dookster

Just Have a Little Faith

best of week IRL license plate religion science - 5808767488
Created by insufferableprick

Jesus and Beans on Toast, Anyone?

IRL religion - 6535153152

God Uses Acrobat

religion google - 8411872256

Silly Bible, Sense is for Fiction

bible god Memes religion - 6427418880
Created by Unknown

Spoiler Alert

jesus religion spoilers the bible zombie - 4177003776

How Am I Supposed to Take You Seriously?

cat christian head religion Yahoo Answer Fails - 6109524992
Created by rjiscool ( Via )