Art of Trolling


Ken M, the Troll That Will Live in Our Hearts Forever

Via mikeyfreshh

Runs Around in the Family

mormons religion rick roll zayne - 4236161280
Created by Patrick

I've Got Three!

god I see what you did there imaginary religion Yahoo Answer Fails - 5184378112

God's a pedophile?!

iGod illegal pedobear religion too young - 4175529216

Everything Went Better Than Expected

jesus religion bible church homosexuality - 6930088448

Who the Hell Says Yes????

god Omegle religion troll vs troll - 4495076096
Created by Partim Nunes

Checkmate, Atheists!

religion atheism Cats - 6638171136

How Am I Supposed to Take You Seriously?

cat christian head religion Yahoo Answer Fails - 6109524992
Created by rjiscool ( Via )


Mormon Chat religion soul Zoidberg - 5702867200
Created by zippyofhogwash

He's Really Good at Hide and Seek

facebook jesus religion - 5460667904
Created by pineappleshoes

New Convert

facebook magnets Mormon Chat religion - 4448540928
Created by Enjiru


an hero religion twitter - 6582499328
Created by PetePete

Can't Tell If Trolling or If I Should Get a New Religion

facebook religion wtf - 5617343232
Created by Enterthegrave817

Someone Just Didn't Get the Joke...

god religion jokes facebook chuck norris - 6765116928

My Work Here Is Done

religion bible gay library - 7094139904
Via Tumblr (Source may contain obscene material)

And Eventually to Heaven

bus IRL religion science - 5923794176
Via Victor Stenger