

Don't be a baby, unless your mine. Then it's a different story. These juvenile posts will have you gooing and gaaing all day long.

I Mean, Why Not

Caption that reads, "His girlfriend forgot about the scheduled maternity shoot and made other plans. Woke King decided his money won't go down the drain just like that" above pics of a guy posing with McDonald's
Via cinezaurus

They Threw A Party And Everything

Caption reads, "The last time people were excited to see me" above a pic of an ultrasound
Via UrMomDoubleGay

Oh Hell Nah

Pic of a creepy baby on a nest cam still under the caption, "Woke up to hear my baby crying on the baby monitor but when I went to check on him I found him like this;" someone replies with, "Gotta throw the whole baby away""
Via Robi11111111111111111111

Parenting Life Hacks

Parenting guide on bonding with baby, telling parenting to play with the baby rather than having a conversation over coffee
Via Sarah00700
Funny memes about Pusha T and Drake, drake baby, drake has a baby, sophie brussaux, pusha t dis track.

Drake's Baby Mama Drama Is Bringin' The Savage Memes

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Funny meme about Kark Pilkington laughing at babies falling out of strollers.
Via memezar


Building blocks on mother's pregnant stomach spell "Chairish" instead of "Cherish," total baby name fail.
Via InCaseOfEmergencyKickAss

These are the most popular baby names right now

baby - 9019560960
Via pleatedjeans

The Baby Buddha

baby - 9008948480
Via godisafuckingbeachboy

Adorable, He Can Already Copy and Paste

baby words image - 8987750912
Via distinguishedbaloney
baby with lots of hair

This Two-Month-Old Baby's Hair Is So Majestic It Inspired a Photoshop Battle

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That Move is So Old, Anyway

baby diaper instructions note Parenting Fail response - 5499551232
Created by batboysdad
baby list mother parenting photoshop battle - 961029

One Mother's Attempt to Get Out of Frame Ends Up in a Photoshop Battle That's Out of Control

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They'll Tell You Babies Aren't That Fragile, but How Do You KNOW?

web comics baby fear They'll Tell You Babies Aren't That Fragile, but How Do You KNOW?
Via assorted-color-flavors

No Need to Break The Windows

web comics baby puns No Need to Break The Windows
Via bigfootjustice

He's Teething

Babies baby teeth parenting - 8971815680
Via baby-dentures