

Don't be a baby, unless your mine. Then it's a different story. These juvenile posts will have you gooing and gaaing all day long.

It All Makes Sense

Funny meme that reads, "This is what babies see when you wanna kiss them. That's why they cry" above a creepy close-up photo of a woman's face
Via cufflinxx

Please Don't Sit Next To Me

Funny meme that reads, "The look of horror on every passenger's face when children and infants start boarding the plane"
Via MetaPathos
Babies twitter baby parenthood toddler kids funny tweets parents - 8389381

20 Tweets About Kids That Perfectly Sum Up The, Uh, Joys Of Raising Offspring

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Babies snapchat twitter baby wtf kids apps celeb selfie - 8390405

Snapchat's New 'Baby Filter' Has People Goin' Gaga

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Why Is A Baby In A Movie Theater In The First Place

Caption that reads, "Nobody: ... Babies in movie theaters: ..." above a still of Shrek yelling
Via BlackLightning427

Together They're Unstoppable

Caption that reads, "I can't unsee 'Captain Tiny Arm' and his baby sidekick 'Mega Hand'" above a photo of a guy holding a baby where it looks like he has a tiny hand, while the baby appears to have a huge hand
Via badwolf233

I'm Expecting A Burrito

Text that reads, "I love the term 'we're expecting' when talking about pregnancy because it makes it sound like there's more than one outcome. Yeah, we're expecting a baby, but it could be a velociraptor" above an illustration of a velociraptor
Via badwolf233

It's A Hard World Out There, Kid

Fake news headline that reads, "Johnson & Johnson introduces 'Nothing but Tears' shampoo to toughen up newborns
Via SmileLikeAKat

Gotta Learn To Stand Up For Yourself

Pics of a dad throwing a basketball saying, "Listen son, in this world it's either yeet or be yeeted"
Via ridiculost
parents before and after having kids

25 'Before And After Kids' Memes That'll NOPE You Right Out Of Procreating

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Yeet 'Em Outta There

Caption that reads, "Me if my kids come out allergic to dogs" above an illustration of a woman throwing a baby away
Via whyareyouwearingthatstupidmansuit00

In Ya Go Squirt

Caption that reads, "Our friend came over to babysit last night. Ten minutes after we left he sent me this pic" above a pic of a guy about to put a baby in the oven
Via rvahnc


Pic of a chalkboard with text that reads, "Quote of the day: don't cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it" above an illustration of a woman throwing a baby away
Via Aluxir

It's Really Demanding Too

Tumblr post where someone asks how they can uninstall their period; someone replies, "I think if you download pregnancy it blocks it for a few months but then you get a really annoying loud pop-up that doesn't go away for 18 years"
Via KikiThePotatoCat

So Rude

Pic of a short guy, who represents "Some baby in a shopping cart at the store" looking up at a tall woman, who represents, "Me, minding my own business"
Via psychobeanz
funny santa

These Hilarious Santa Pics Taken By Two Guys Are A Millennial's Christmas Dream

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