
double meaning

SMP CLASSIC: Construction is a Ruff Career

dogs double meaning homophone literalism roof roofing sound - 6542639872
Created by xyzpdq1

Nailed it.

double meaning Hall of Fame just saying literalism nail nuts - 5195977984

H2Overwhelming Arrogance

double meaning glass idiom water - 6423256064
Via Pleated Jeans

SMP CLASSIC: Tearable Puns

tearable tear terrible puns homophone double meaning literalism classic - 6660218880
Created by Unknown

I Eat Colorful Food Only

diet double meaning dye homophones it literalism - 6286692352
Created by IUgrad505


double meaning idiom literalism shape tree trunk - 6302703360
Created by xyzpdq1


ä bible canon double meaning Hall of Fame homophones know literalism need - 5047380224

You Could Always Go Planking...

board bored boring do want double meaning fun Hall of Fame homophone homophones literalism something wood - 5039195904
Via theyaffle.blogspot.com


alcohol compliments double meaning drinks free - 4378180864
Created by Eightyeightdays

Mathematical Couples Counseling is... Complex to Say the Least

Pi Day pi counseling double meaning - 7138213632
Via The Argyle Sweater

You Could Say Their Visuals Are Pretty Basic

c question answer homophone see double meaning literalism - 6645381120

I Feel So Betrayed!

signs crime literalism facebook double meaning theft - 6923371008

Open Mics

double meaning literalism microphone open - 5596972544
Via Plus 5 Mace


double meaning homophones literalism - 4966458112

Math is Weird...

rhythm log literalism double meaning - 6866390272
Via Dicky Neely

The Pinnacle of Phrasal Homophones

confusing convention homophones double meaning - 7087138304
Created by ceesick
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