Web Comics


It's a me Mario! If you've got a thing for the world's favorite animated plumber and generational hero, then you'll get a barrel of laughs and power up from these jokes.

First Mushroom

mario video games - 5600674560

Nothing To Worry About If You Eat Mushrooms All The Time Tho

princess peach Death Videogames mario web comics Mushrooms - 8428347648
Via Mer

I Think We Know Who's Player 2 in This Relationship

mario video games - 6393636096
Via Brawl in the Family

Koopas IRL

best of week mario video game video games - 5959177472
Created by Jo-Zeeworm

Nintendo Gives a False Sense of Security and Then Kills You

video games video game logic mario nintendo web comics - 7910040064
Via Nathan Bulmer
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