Web Comics


It's a me Mario! If you've got a thing for the world's favorite animated plumber and generational hero, then you'll get a barrel of laughs and power up from these jokes.

Everyone Knows Sonic Can't Swim!

dead mario sonic video games water - 4770333184
Created by Gabri01

It's a Mii Mario

mario nintendo web comics - 8251597056
Created by Derp-a-derp ( Via brawlinthefamily )

Off the Edge of the World

best of week cruel mario nintendo 64 penguin video games - 5220470016
Via www.reddit.com

Lakitu: He Even Had Glasses First

dragonball z goku hipster mario TV - 4865069568
See all captions Created by popiop4

Konami Conundrum

Via Nerd Rage Comic

Doctor Boo

doctor who mario TV boo - 6571692288
Created by JackXCaliber

Mushroom Kingdom is Not My Scene

parties mario - 8377923072
Via good-gamers

Koopas IRL

best of week mario video game video games - 5959177472
Created by Jo-Zeeworm

A Promise Kept

gold Videogames mario funny - 7797539072
Via Eagle Lander

I Learned Everything From Mario

awesome best of week mario teaching video games - 5296240896

First Mushroom

mario video games - 5600674560

Nobody Remembers Luigi

web comics mario luigi Nobody Remembers Luigi
Via safelyendangered


adultery luigi mario princess sad but true video games - 4480908288
Created by deathwish01b

Super Smash Puns

mario puns super smash bros web comics - 8237804800
Via Fanboys

But Don't Worry, We Treat Them the Same

web comics mario peach bedroom
Via maximumble

Sorry, Yoshi

mario web comics halloween Sorry, Yoshi
Via itsthetie
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